Chapter 3

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When I was ten, my mom bought me a puppy. It was a pit bull to be exact.

I know what you're thinking. Who gives a ten-year-old a pit bull?

My mom, that's who. Anyway, I named her Rosie.

Pretty cute name for a pretty 'evil' breed of dog, but Rosie was probably the sweetest thing I've ever met.

Rosie had black fur with the occasional white spot, eyes the same deep chocolate color as mine, and the cutest bark. I can still remember little six week old Rosie trying to be menacing to the other dogs on our street, with her little yelp of a bark and a very real look of murder in her eyes.

Once I was walking her, she was maybe two, and this mean kid that used to bully everyone pushed me off my longboard, causing me to scrape my knee and almost break a finger. Then look of fear in the kid's eyes when Rosie chased him three blocks will never be forgotten.

What reminded me of this childhood memory was when I walked into the kitchen- all black and white with the exception of a few red bowls and flower vases- and saw the same murderous look that I have seen in Rosie's eyes filled Grayson's as he stared down this boy who seemed in the middle of flirting with two girls.

All three of them seemed to be sixteen or seventeen, the boy had golden-brown hair, shining green eyes, and an great body. How do I know, you might ask? Well, let's say he wasn't too modest wearing only cargo shorts.

The two girls couldn't have looked any different. The one on the left also had deep blonde hair cut into a stylish a-cut bob, crystal blue eyes, lots of makeup, and big, ahem, let's call them... assets.

By the mere glance I spared her, she was, with the lack of better words, a whore.

The white-skin tight tank top (that was, much to my dismay, see through) with the number 42 on it as if trying to imitate a sports jersey and the black mini skirt so high that you could tell her hot pink lacy bra matched her hot pink lacy underwear wasn't helping me think otherwise. Seeing her skinny body pushed up against the boy, coyly batting her eyelashes didn't help, either.

The second girl however, had black hair- the same shade as Alpha Grayson's that reached the bottom of her shoulder blades and was parted down the middle. Judging by the way her back was slightly angled towards her companions and how she leaned slightly away from them as if worried to catch a disease, she didn't want to be anywhere near there.

Standing next to the slut, her hair hid most of her, from what I could tell, heart shaped face, and blue eyes.

Although I could only tell they were blue because of the occasional flash of color when she rolled them at the other girl. Dressed down in a baggy dark red t-shirt with a faded logo, ripped light wash skinny jean, and black combat boots, she seemed ready to run at any time.

Walking slowly towards the Alpha, who was still murdering the boy with his eyes, I began to tune into the conversation.

Slut batted her eyes at the boy, a pampered hand placed delicately on his chest, she laughed like she just heard the most hilarious thing in the world. "Omigod, so what happened next?"

I, along with the Alpha, the mysterious girl and the boy currently getting eye raped by Slut, winced at her high pitched, shrill of a voice. God, could she get anymore annoying?

"Uhm," the poor boy stuttered, his wide eyes shifting back and forth from Slut and the other girl, all of who haven't noticed either the Alpha or I yet. "I-I don't know, the dude just ran away. Wait, Alaina-" he called out to the black haired girl that had turned to walk towards glass sliding doors. She just shook her head, hair whipping, and walked out the door.

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