Chapter 2

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The tension in the air thickened when the door swung open. Alex stopped laughing, the warlock closed his fist, killing the mini tornado, even the guy that was passed out in the cell across from him stirred slightly. At first I didn't know why, but then I felt it.

The suffocating smell of dominance, the heavy footsteps of who I guessed was the Alpha. Even I backed away from the bars and pushed myself in the furthest corner from the cell door.

I could feel the ache in my gums, the fight or flight survival instinct kicked in on super drive. It took everything in me not to let my fangs out, even though every single cell in my body was telling me to.

I had a feeling the werewolves wouldn't appreciate the threat on their Alpha's life, even if it was just a defense mechanism of vampires.

It felt like decades before the footsteps stopped in front of my cell, I was ready to run like the friggin wind once he opened that-

Then I breathed in- through my nose more specifically.

A woodsy smell filled the cell block. It smelled... Actually, really good. I couldn't get enough of it, and as weird as it sounded, it was true. I looked to where the smell was coming from to find a really, and I mean like painfully hot guy standing on the other side of the bars.

This guy... Wow.

He was hot. Like, capital H, hot.

Towering at six feet and then some inches with obsidian hair piled on top of his head in a messy I-just-woke-up kind of way and the tips just barely reaching his beautiful grey eyes, he had the works going on. Strong jaw line, nice cheekbones, and his soft, kissable li-

His head shot up, the grey of his eyes widening in surprise. An emotion flickered across the once hard gaze, on I couldn't place as he stared at me, taking in my features.

When I shifted uncomfortably, for some reason wanting him to find me at least half as attractive as I found him, he finally dragged his eyes from my face and turned to the bars that were separating us.

That's all it took for him to spin on Blondy, giving me a nice view of the backside of him, and order, "Let her out, now."

Blondy turned to him about to protest, but must've seen something on his face, 'cause he quickly shut his trap and gulped, "Yes, Alpha."

Turning to me, he took out the key and unlatched the lock on the door, swinging it open.

"Come on," he grunted, jerking his head out of the cell. "You're coming with us."

Instead of listening to him, I backed further into the corner, pressing against the cement wall.

He just gave me an are-you-serious look. "Come on."

I shook my head stubbornly.

He sighed then took a step towards me, but before he could get any closer a low growl erupted from the Alpha, and he quickly stepped back.

My relief was shortly lived though, because just as soon as Blondy stepped back, the Alpha stepped forward.

"I'm not going to hurt you," the Alpha said softly. Everything human in me told me to believe him, but the animal part of me- the vampire part- told me he was the enemy, that he can't be trusted. That-

He took another step towards me, reaching out.

That I had to fight back.

Before anyone could blink, I ran towards the door of the cell and tried to push against the Alpha's chest to move him out of the way. Key word, tried. Really, I would probably have more luck knocking down a brick wall.

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