Chapter 5

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The sound of birds chirping and leaves rustling greeted me as I slowly woke up. Last night was probably the best sleep I've had in a long time. The fluffiness of the pillow and the silky feel of the sheets lulled me to fall back into blissful sleep, but I knew I should probably get up and dressed. I had a feeling today would be a long day.

Sighing, I threw the warm blankets off of me and swung my legs over the side of the bed, stretching my arms up above my head. Hopping off of the bed, I made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I was definitely not going downstairs to that hot werewolf with morning breath.

No thank you.

After I finished in the bathroom, I walked up to the bedroom door, remembering Grayson said something about leaving my backpack outside my room. When I saw the clock of the night stand read ten a.m, I figured they had enough time to get my stuff from the motel and bring it back.

Opening the door quietly, I found that I guessed wrong. My eyes widened, taking in the empty floor. Closing the door quickly, I spun around, eyes wide, and thought.

Currently, I was only wearing the shirt that Grayson let me borrow, which only reached mid thigh, and nothing else.


Hoping that they did grab my backpack, but just managed to leave it downstairs (it was a long shot, I knew this), I made my decision. I would go downstairs, look around really quick, and if it wasn't there, then I'd kill sometime in my room until someone does get it.

Mentally reinforcing the idea actually gave me a sense that it would work, so I decided if I didn't do it now I would probably chicken out.

Quickly exiting the room, I tiptoed down the long hallway, my bare feet sinking into the plush carpet and my ears trying to pick up on any sounds I could. When I reached the top of the stairs, I finally heard some voices coming from the kitchen. Looking down, I assessed my situation. One of the voices belonged to Grayson, the other two belonged to Ashton and Drake.

I was comfortable enough around them, and it wasn't like my goods were out for anyone to see, the shirt almost reached my knees. Taking a deep breath, I decided, again, to just ask Grayson where the backpack was, and if he didn't have it, just casually walk back up the stairs and wait for my stuff to come. Not awkward at all.

Walking quietly down the stairs, I listened in on their conversation, their voices growing louder the closer I got to the kitchen.

"Dude, you have to tell her." That was Drake. And tell who what? I slowed down my pace until I stopped outside the doorway of the kitchen.

"I know," Grayson sighed. The sound of his masculine voice so early in the morning sent shivers down my spine. What was wrong with me?

"Well, when are you going to?" This time Ashton spoke, his voice muffled from talking with his mouth full of what sounded like food. I wrinkled my nose. Boys.

"Soon, okay?" Grayson replied, sounding irritated. "Today, whenever I end up explaining everything to her."

"Damn,"Ashton said, swallowing his food. "You might actually have a chance at winning this bet, Drake." No way. Ashton is not screwing me out of my fifty by letting the cat out of the bag to Grayson.

As if hearing my thoughts, Grayson asked, "What bet?"

"Noth-" Drake tried to save, but got cut off.

"Oh, you know," Ashton said, sounding slightly mischievous. "The one where B-"

I pushed open the door, having to interrupt him before it was too late. If Grayson knew about the bet, he would probably not fall for whatever stunt I'll pull to win.

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