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Lucinda POV
All I remember is that I.... was in a big cage.... then..... Ein... THAT NO GOOD LITTLE SON OF A -
Thank you! Go on.
Well anyway.... I remember that Ein threw a forever potion at me and I am now under his control. I was at the cabin, I was talking to Aphmau about Ein. I kept calling him brother.
"Aphmau!!!! NO ITS NOT REAL!" I try to yell, but what I tried to say didn't come out. Riiiiiight, I'm not in control of my own body.
I then cast a spell on Aphmau making her want to come with us to see Ein...
"LUCINDA WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Aaron yells.
"LUCINDA!" Aaron yells
Instead I blast him with one of my spells knocking him backwards and into the door breaking it.

And it is Garroth who always breaks doors.
Yup. Anyways I start telling him the story about the first werewolf.

*Time skip to when she finishes.*
"They call his bloodline the Ultima..." I say
I try yelling again. But I knew it wasn't going to work, I just wanted to try but the potion is too strong...
I cast a spell and Aphmau, Zane and I disappear. We all end up in this Cabin... then HE comes out... Ein...
He then throws a potion at Aphmau.
"NO! APH!" I say to myself well more of think.
But he threw the potion at her. She's now under his control. Ein... He was messed up even in high school. He hurt Casey, he hurt Aphmau emotionally when she just got her heartbroken by Kai. I remember the day she told us about it. Ein walks up to her and asks
"Do you love me?" He asks
"Yes..." Aphmau replies
No...what is Aphmau going think... knowing Aaron he will come after us. Ein will probably make her do horrible things....

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter! Have a great day guys!!! Hope you guys enjoy this story!
Word count: 343

Thoughts under the effects of the forever potion Where stories live. Discover now