one : hollywood

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"Les hurry up, we got a shoot in like thirty minutes!" A voice called out from behind the door, encouraging me to bury my face in my duvet, not saying a single word as I slowly felt myself going back to sleep.

"Les, I swear if you're still sleeping I won't hesitate to break down this door." I groaned in annoyance, "Five minutes!" I yelled, just to hear the sound of the door unlocking from the outside.

Welcome to the majestic life of Celestia Winters, where it's all about the glitter, blinding flashing lights, red carpets. In other words, the Hollywood life.

"This is why Olivia is always pissed at you." Kate states, hitting me with a pillow that fell from my bed.

"She can suck my ass." I mumbled, my eyes still closed as I continued to bury myself the my soft duvet as silence fell, even the sound of Kate's footsteps walking across the room didn't bother me as I still kept my eyes shut almost drifting off to sleep again. I still wanted to feel the comfort that my bed gave off until I suddenly heard the curtains slide open only to be greeted by the blinding light of the sun hitting my face.

"Get up, Les, we have a shoot." My eyes fluttered open, as I dramatically groaned in annoyance, stretching and fighting off the drowsiness left in me and finally sat up to see Kate standing by the tall window.

"I did not ask for this." I frowned, swinging my leg over the edge of the bed before rubbing both of my eyes, adjusting to the sunlight that filled the room. "You kind of did, hun." she kind of has a point, I did ask for this life knowing this was the life I've always wanted ever since I was fifteen. The girl in her room strutting down the mirror as if she was actually walking down the runway wearing clothes made by designers. This was the life that fifteen year old girl wanted.

"I'll be waiting here, making sure your lazy ass gets ready in less than fifteen minutes," wait, hold up.

"Make it twenty! a girl needs to get ready to you know!" I whined, as I made my way to my bathroom, stoping right infront of my mirror. Jesus Christ I look horrible.

The leftover mascara was smudged under my eyes joining in with the dark circles due to the lack of sleep I've been getting ever since my career  started, my hair was sticking out in every direction, the glitters of my eyeshadow from last night was all over my face.

Something about the look I have right now is kind of understandable since I did engage in a little activity last night involving a little bit of alcohol,

and now I look like Barbie going through a bad hangover.


"There you are! we've been waiting for like an hour." Olivia, my manager says as she eyed me up and down, noticing that I looked drowsy and filled with fatigue. "someone didn't wake me up earlier." I joked, looking at Kate. "I've been knocking on your door for like an hour, you dipshit."

"Alright girls, enough with the bickering, let's get to work!" Olivia says, as we head on to our usual routine and ran to our dressing rooms to get ready.


The photoshoot took three hours, including the amount of time spent having our make up done, along with the adjustments we had to do with our clothes. After the photoshoot I literally had to run to my dressing room to take off all the tight clothing I had on to relieve myself too.

I knew what I was getting myself into when I signed up for this career. It's not all about the glitz and glam but knowing whether or not you'll comfortable in the kind of environment you'll be surrounded with is important. Whether you'll be okay with thousands of strangers knowing you and watching you walk down streets and paparazzi's capturing photos of you doing everyday things.

When I got done changing, I hurried out of the room hoping no one would catch me and stop me from going home, as I pictured myself finally on my bed, in my own world as I drift off to sleep, a smile on my face while I pictured it.

Just when I was about to leave and was one step away from the door, the sound of Olivia's voice calls me out and suddenly all the thoughts of the things I wanna do right after leaving disappears.

"So sorry for stopping you from getting your beauty sleep, Les, but I forgot to tell you that we have a meeting in five minutes. It'll be quick, don't worry." Olivia says, an apologetic look on her face. "It's fine, Liv." I shrug it off and shoot her a smile. In reality I just wanna get this over with and go home to my bed cause it's all I could ever think about right now.

Liv nodded and smiled as she told me to follow her to the room the meeting will be held. Following Liv as she entered the room to see Kate first sitting on the seat close to the door as she looked at me with wide eyes. I couldn't tell what the look was for. Was she excited to see me or what? We were doing our shoot like thirty minutes ago why would she be excited to see me? What was with her reaction?

I disregarded it afterwards since I've noticed there were other few people in the room and noticed each of them looking like they've seen a ghost. I forgot to mention that my eyesight was a slightly bad so I had to squint my eyes to get a sort of clearer view of who these people were and what they had to do with the meeting. One had a bleached hair and he looked oddly familiar same goes for the two who had dirty blonde curls, until I realized who they were and widened my eyes in surprise.

Another person came in from the balcony and I couldn't quite make out who it was just since he was looking down as he walked in but as soon as he looked up I was more surprised to see this person and felt my stomach twist at the sight of him.

My fucking ex boyfriend, Calum Thomas Hood.


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