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Suho picked up Baekhyun carrying him to kris and his room, he tucked Baekhyun in his bed. The boy hugged the stuffed Yoda close mumbling some words, "I want Daddy Yoda!" He pouted.

"Baekhyun Yoda isn't here right now try to get some sleep." Suho explained making the puppy cry.

"B-But I-I can't s-sleep without him." Baekhyun started crying really loud now, he actually was catching a tantrum.

"Shh it's going to be okay." Kris walked out of the shower shushing the boy which didn't make him quiet at all. Where is Chanyeol?!?

Two hours later

No Ones POV

Chanyeol came into the house in a very unlike him way. One he was stumping a little, two he didn't say a word to let anyone know he was home, and three he went to his room completely ignoring the crying baby.

He just sat in front of his computer waiting for words to just pop on the screen, except nothing did. He didn't know what to write for this project he had just found out was due two days from now. His hands ruffled his hair in frustration looking at the still blank document. Chanyeol was not going to get up until he at least had half done which wasn't gonna be a problem if he knew where to start.

His fingers finally pushed down on the keyboard after hovering over them for so long. Chanyeol hardly had anything but close to being half way was good. He backed out of his desk chair making his way to his bed, he laid down closing his eyes but something stopped him from sleeping. Baekhyun was still crying while everyone else was wondering where the heck Chanyeol was. Chanyeol walked out of his room covering his forehead with his hand.

"D-Daddy I-I—." Chanyeol held a finger up to Baekhyun's lips, everyone watched in shock was that all they had to do get him quiet?

"It's okay you don't need to cry I'm here now. Let's go to bed." He grabbed Baekhyun's small hand leading him out of the room, he turned around and told his brother's plus parents sorry following also with a good night.

Chanyeol laid down in his bed Baekhyun followed but didn't lay down. He was staring at the giant next to him, "Daddy you should punish me I did something wrong. I've been a bad boy." Chanyeol sat up now thoughts of this cute adorable innocent boy getting punished a violent way running through his mind. It scared him.

Chanyeol cupped Baekhyun's cheeks, "Baby go to sleep." Chanyeol kissed his small nose completely not even releasing he had called Baekhyun baby, maybe he was to tired or he just found it normal too.

After the two went to sleep the whole house was quiet. The only thing that could be heard was light shuffling along with a deep voice mumbling words he'd never speak a loud. Another thing was also heard, Baekhyun's light snores and of course the smallest of whimpers he'd make. These two slept comfortably in each other's arms.

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