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***time skips

A/N: So I'm being lazy asf in writing what happened next, imagine they went to their reception and others so yeah

We arrived at his mansion, I jumped into the couch as started to let my feet breathe. Gosh it hurts, I regret wearing heels.

"What are you doing?" He asked and raised his eyebrows

"As you can see I'm tired and my feet hurt a lot okay? So please don't mind me, I'm tired" I closed my eyes and fall asleep.

Taehyung's POV

"Nana can you prepare dinner for us? Kamsahamnida" I said, I went towards Sul-hee who was already sleeping, aish this woman! I carry her in a bridal way and take her upstairs to my room, I laid her in bed slowly. Geez, this woman looks like a stick, she's so thin. Does she skip meals? Or having a diet? She's so thin yet she still needs to have a diet? Right now she can't eat her dinner because she ended up sleeping. I hope she's eating healthy though, I changed my clothes and went out and eat my dinner.

"Oh Taehyung" Eomma said, I looked at her and smiled

"So tell me how're your preparations for your wedding?" She asked and sits in front of me

"Doing great"

"Really? Too bad I wasn't there for you both, I was just canceling events or meetings the day of your wedding"

"Jinja? Eomma you don't need to do that"

"Mwoyeo? Of course, I can! I canceled all because that day is special for the both of you I don't want anything to disturb you on that particular day"

"Kamsahamnida eomma" she smiled "No worries, your father understands and he understands it" its the very first time that they do everything for a special event, I know they don't want to miss something on that particular day especially since I will be getting married even though I still don't know if I already loved Sul-hee or not.

"So how's Sul-hee?"

"She's actually here, she's sleeping in my room, she fall asleep because she was tired"

"You should take care of her Taehyung, did she eat her dinner?" I shook my head

She sighed "We need to leave something for her to eat later"

"No need I can just cook for her if she's hungry"

"I'm so proud of you, your acting like her husband already and that makes me so proud"



"Can you change Sul-hee? You have something for her to wear for tonight?"

"I have tons of those and yes I can, after I eat"


After eating dinner, Eomma went inside my room bringing clothes for Sul-hee I waited outside. After that she went out, I thank her and went inside. She was already wearing peach pajamas, she sleeps peacefully and her face looks like an angel. I smiled at her, I read a magazine before taking a bath and went to sleep.

She sleeps to the right while I was behind her, I slowly closed my eyes but then she moves to the left and was already in front of me. Damn, she really looks like an angel, I couldn't stop smiling because of this woman. Aish! I kissed the tip of her nose

"Goodnight my dear Sul-hee"


I slowly opened my eyes as I felt shoulders over me, hmm why-- I turn on left and saw Taehyung sleeping peacefully. Okay, what just happened last night? My heart beats so fast, okay what's wrong with me? Why is he so handsome while he's asleep? Wait what?! What was I thinking! Shit! I was gazing at him the whole time and noticed that he was awake already, I quickly closed my eyes and pretend to be asleep.

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