Family dinner

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"Sul-hee!" Eomma shouted again, ugh. I hurried downstairs as I went towards eomma, we're heading to eomma's closed friend who's a dress designer and she also told me that she will be the one's who's going to make my wedding dress soon. Aish!

"Okay let's get going" Eomma said as she signed the driver that were already going. We get in as we drove towards eomma's closed friend. We arrived in a big house as I we went in, the house was wonder and beautiful though not to mention.

"Oh Susan!" She called mom's name as she hugged her

"It's nice to see you again Laura" she said as they two hugged

"Nado" Eomma replied as they broke the hugged as her friend looked at me

"Goodness me! I can't believe that Sul-hee is growing up already!" She said as she hugged me

"Ajumoni it's also nice to see you again" I said as she broke the hug

"Let's take a seat shall we?" she said as she told her housemaids to get some snacks, we went towards the living room as I put aside my bag as I also sit on the single couch colored pink

"So what brings you here?" She asked

"We need some dress for tonight's family dinner" Eomma replied, one of the housemaids put the tray on the table. I thank her as I took the glass of orange juice.

"Oh so you want me to quickly design your dress for tonight?" Ajumoni asked as Eomma nod

"I see well I have already make some of my newest design wanna take a look?" Ajumoni asked

"Okay then" I said as I put down the juice as ajumoni instructed her housemaids to get the dresses upstairs. Once the housemaid brings one of the dresses, all of the it was nice but there's one dress that gets my attention.

I stood up as I slowly went towards the mannequins as I slowly watched the dresses. But then the pink one gets my attention.

"I think I should take this" I said as I hold the mannequin

"Great choice Sul-hee! I just finished that 2 days ago and was about to think in selling it, good thing I still don't show it to the public" Ajumoni said

"Well okay then we will take it Laura" Eomma said, I know I have a great taste when it comes to fashion. And yes that's what I really wanted to become a famous fashion designer but then I really should become a CEO for the future of our company.


"Ms Shin what style would you like?" A saleslady asked as I looked for a high heels, Eomma was looking for her's also.

"I just want a 1 inch of white heels or silver" I said as I took a seat for awhile as the saleslady looked for a high heels.

"Sul-hee haven't you looked for your heels?" Asked by Eomma as she took a seat beside me

"I still need to find one though" I answered until the saleslady bought heels she saw.

"How about this one Ms Shin?" She asked as she puts the heels on the ground. I looked at the heels she bought. They looked so cute and beautiful, but there's one heels that's really caught my attention

"I think I want this one" I said as I took the white silver heels and unwore the heels I wore and took a fit on the heels

"Ms Shin that's looks good on you" I stood up as I looked on the mirror

"True, I think you should take it Sul-hee" Eomma said as I nod and told the saleslady they we will take it.

"Sul-hee you should go home first I still need to relax myself on the spa but if you want to join me you can" she said, I really want to but I don't feel like though. I told her that I will just head home, as I was walking towards the parking lot, my phone suddenly rings while I was holding it.

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