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"So how are you two doing?" Bo-gum oppa asked

"We are fine how about you oppa?" I ask

"I'm more than fine"

"Would you be able to attend the wedding?" Taehyung asked

"Of course! I don't want to miss it especially since my very close friend is getting married" he looked at me

"Sul-hee I want you to take care of him and also understand him, especially since he's such a hard-headed person" I chuckled, I think I'm not just the only one who is hard-headed

"Of course oppa"

"I trust you two and I hope you two could build a happy family"

After eating we went to our room. I sat on a couch and sighed

"Are you tired?" He asked

"Yeah I need a nap, are we staying here tonight?"

"Ne, after that we will go back to my mansion and celebrate the bachelor party"

"But I don't want too"

"Well....just enjoy the last day of being single"

I looked at him while he was looking at his phone



"I'm sorry for being rude to you, but you also know that sometimes you're being arrogant" he laughed

"I know, until now you still hate me"

"Not quite enough"

"Also you don't like me since this marriage is been forced if you don't want to stay longer in this relationship we can just divorce" my heart cracked, divorce? Will they also allow us if we want to separate ways? I couldn't even speak of what he just said instead I went to the bathroom. I looked at my reflection in the mirror suddenly my eyes were watery

"Why am I crying?" I asked myself, it really hurts when he said those words. I don't know why I also get hurt, does this mean I already like him?

Taehyung's POV

It's been an hour since Sul-hee stayed in the bathroom, what took her so long? I knocked on the door

"Sul-hee what took you so long? Everything okay there?"

"I'm fine just a sec" she stutters

"Are you sure? Do you need me to come inside?"

"No! It's just-- I have my period"

"Okay but just tell me if you need anything, do you need a napkin?"

"I said I'm fine Taehyung! Just leave me alone just for a sec, will you?!" She shouted I sighed and went outside the room, I went to the balcony and Bo-gum hyung stood beside me as we watched the sunset

"Is there any problem?" He asked


"Are you sure? It seems like you have a problem, tell me Taehyung I know you're lying"

"It's just that--- Sul-hee is acting weird, I think she's mad at me"

"Why did you tell her? To make her mad?"

Could it be possible that she's mad because of what I just said earlier? About the divorce? But I thought she hate me

"I think it's about the divorce"

"What?! Are you planning to get divorced after?!"

"I don't know, I don't know why did I even come out with that topic, ever since our parents told us about the marriage, she doesn't want that kind of stuff especially since she doesn't know me in the first place"

"It's because you didn't show your true self"

"I already did"

"But the question is, what kind of attitude did you show her?"

I didn't answer

"You can't even answer because you show her the wrong you, being arrogant am I right?" I nodded

"See? Damn Taehyung you shouldn't"

"I already did too late"

"It's not too late, especially since you getting married"

I sighed, I went back to our room and saw Sul-hee sleeping. I felt guilty about what I just said earlier

"I'm sorry if I said about the divorce, I mean you don't like me in the first place and...."

Sul-hee's POV

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt someone hugging me, I slowly remove his shoulder and looked at Taehyung who was already sleeping beside me.

"So I think at the end of this marriage we will be divorced after" I whispered

"You know what Taehyung, I hate myself for loving you already"

"Why do you make me suffer like this? I felt like I'm been tortured because I don't want to love you, I hated you why do you need to suffer me this much? I---" I was about to continue and yet I can felt his soft lips on mine

"I also hate you because I'm starting to love you Sul-hee" my eyes widened I looked at him and he was so serious

"Damn you Taehyung you stole my first kiss" I said as he laughed so hard

"Haha... you're really crazy Sul-hee, of course, I will steal your first kiss I'm going to be your husband" I roll my eyes, I was about to turn around and yet he kissed me again passionately. I kissed him back as I felt Taehyung's hand under my shirt, I also felt butterflies in my stomach. Not until then he's above me, we stop as we catch some air

"Your mom told us not to do this before our wedding"

"I know" he kissed me again, and I wrap my arms around his neck. I think we should stop this, I slowly moved my lips away from his

"We should stop this, we're still not yet married" he nodded and kiss my forehead

"I'm sorry I was just carried away"

"It's okay now we should sleep"

"But you haven't taken your dinner you might starve" oh shoot

"But I think there's no food left downstairs"

"I actually prepared you food" he stood up and gets the tray from the table and put it in bed

"You should wake me up"

"You were sleeping peacefully so I don't want to disturb you" he said, I took a bite of bibimbap, and after I ate he put it back on the table and sit beside me

"You were sleeping peacefully so I don't want to disturb you" he said, I took a bite of bibimbap, and after I ate he put it back on the table and sit beside me

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"I'm sorry about the divorce, I didn't mean it"

"It's okay, but I'm also afraid it might happen"

"Of course not! Sul-hee I love you, I won't leave you especially since we are going to have our own family"

"And I promise whatever happens I'm going to love you till the rest of my life"

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