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A/n: please don't be dirty-minded because of the title, it's not what you think!(^^)

I woke up early in the morning, take a shower, had breakfast, and left for work. As I went inside of my office. I was surprised caused someone is sitting on my office chair facing the back.

"What the!!" I shouted as I was surprised, slowly turning around and see the face of Taehyung. Why on Earth is he here?! Early on a damn morning?!

"Why the hell are you here?" I asked

"Tss, I think you forgot about something" he said, forgot what?

"Forgot what?" I asked

"Tss we're going to have a meeting" he said

"Then? Why are you here? This is not the place where we have our meetings instead it's in the other hall, okay? So if you excuse me you may now go" I say but then he didn't stand up from my seat, ugh! I have no time for this!

"Can you please move your ass out of my office?! I have no time for this!" I sighed he stood up and went towards me, what is he doing? I took my steps backward as I felt a wall behind me, shit. What is he coming towards me? He put his hands on the wall while he looks at me.

"You can't say that to your future husband Sul-hee" he smirked, what the--

"I don't care! Now move your ass out will you?!" I shouted but then he just laughed

"See you later" he let me go as he leaves. What the hell was that?!

Blah blah, ugh. I can't resist this anymore! I want to leave this such a boring meeting. It's such an annoying meeting ever. Aish! I sighed as I cross my arm my eyes suddenly turn to Taehyung, while I was looking at him. He looks at me also, I directly moved my head to the other side. Shit, I think he saw me looking at him maybe he will think something stupid! Ugh! As I was looking on the other side I heard him chuckle. See, that's what I'm saying! That he will literally think about something!

After the meeting I directly went to my office, I get my phone and I dialed Daewoo's number I stand at the window as I waited for him to answer the phone, I wish he's not busy.

~The number you dialed is not in reached please leave a message after the tone~

Aish! His really busy. I end the call as I put my phone down. After my work I directly went home, I really don't have plans usually I went home and relax. As I entered the house I passed by the dining room but then I stopped when I was attracted to someone, I take a look and saw that Taehyung is here! Talking to my parents. Shit! Are they planning to have dinner with him?

"Sul-hee!" Eomma called me once she notice me, shit I was supposed to go and went upstairs yet she saw me. I wish I directly went upstairs. I went towards the table and sit beside Eomma.

"Sul-hee why won't you greet your future husband?" Greet him? No way, why would I ever greet him? Besides we are definitely still strangers after all. I hissed

"I'm so sorry for Sul-hee Taehyung maybe she's tired or even stressed about work" eomma said, please I'm so not in the mood for it.

"It's okay I understand" Taehyung replied, why is he always cold and sometimes annoying if he talks to me but when it comes to other people he's not? Maybe it's because we really don't know each other well caused we're not also closed. They were done taking their dinner while I'm still eating while I'm just listening to their conversation

After taking my dinner I went to the kitchen and placed my plate on the sink while the housemaids were washing the dishes.

"Sul-hee who's the young man?"
Hanyeo Mara asked, I sighed

"Tss that young man? Psh he just nothing" I lied

"Oh really? I think I must miss heard that his your fiance"

"He's still not my fiance we still need to be engaged"

"Hahaha I can't believe it that my little Sul-hee I took good care of is already a grownup woman already" she messed my hair as I laughed

"I should go to the side pool" I head out as I went to the swimming pool. I sighed. As I had a moment I heard someone go towards me, I looked back and saw Taehyung putting his hands in his pockets.

"Why are you doing here mister?" I asked as he stood beside me

"Tss it seems like you are so closed with your hanyeo (maid)"

"She's been our maid for years already so I should be close to her she's also been my mother if my parents went out of town for a business trip"

"By the way why did you suddenly come here?" I asked as I looked at him

"Your parents invited me to come"

"When would be our wedding?" I suddenly asked

"Psh don't tell me that you are excited for that? Hahaha" psh, excited my face! Why would I ever be excited about an arranged wedding?!

"Ya! I'm just asking when don't think something weird"

"Hahaha don't worry you would be Mrs. Kim soon" he winked, tsk as if.

"As if I'm going to be Mrs. Kim" I smirked as I cross my arms

"You're going to be Mrs. Kim caused you're going to marry me"

"Tss what if I will call off the wedding would I still be Mrs. Kim?"

"As if you can call off the wedding"

"Oh I really going to- ahhh!" I shouted as I suddenly slipped, I was out of balance and also I'm wearing heels and I forgot to take them off but then I felt Taehyung's trying to grab my wrist but then it was too late instead two of us were fall in the pool.

"What the hell!" Taehyung shouted, I didn't mind him instead I went out myself out of the pool. I sit as he sits beside me, he shooked his head and splashes water at me

"Ya! Why did you dry your head towards me huh?!"

"Now I'm all wet thanks to you"

"Oh I'm so sorry mister that I suddenly slipped" I roll my eyes

"Omo! Why are you two wet?!" Eomma shouted once she saw us wet we stood up as I was chilling, gosh the pool was so cold. Hanyeo Mara gave us towels and then I covered myself.

"Taehyung I think you should stay here for now since you are so wet" wait what?! He's going to stay here?! No way!

"What?! No way! He's not going to stay here!" I refused

"Sul-hee his going to be your husband sooner or later so he must also have the rights to stay in this mansion" Appa said, yeah right

"Ani, it's okay I can just call my driver to come" Taehyung said but then again Appa insist he to stay. I roll my eyes as I went towards my room, I took a shower and changed.

*Phone rings

Who's calling? I looked at my phone and saw Daewoo's number

'Sul-hee why did you suddenly call me? Something wrong happened?'

'Ne, something really just happened'

'What is it?'

'He's here oppa'


'Taehyung's here in the mansion his staying here for today'

'What?! Why?! What happened?!'

'We accidentally fall out of the pool then we got wet and now he's going to stay here for tonight'

'He's staying in your guest room?'



'Anyways *yawn I need to sleep now Sul-hee night'


But then I realized he asked why I suddenly call him even though he was the one who called, aish!

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