Chapter Twenty-three

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Andy's POV

My phone chimed urgently as I fumbled with keys to get into my apartment. The door jammed, as it always did when I was in a hurry to get into it. Fuck security measures, just buy my door and nobody can get into your house. Not even you.

I finally managed to get into the house and answered my phone without paying attention to the caller ID. "Yellow."

"Andy, it's me, where's Evelyn?" My father's voice sounded freaked.

"You mean your ex-wife? I don't know, I'm not seeing her anywhere..." I replied drily. I kicked off my sneakers and settle my bags onto the coffee table.

He got really silent on the other end but I could hear him breathing. "She knows doesn't she?"

"That's a pretty dumb question dad. Does she know that you've been cheating on her with a guy? Yeah, hence the fucking divorce papers! What the hell were you thinking?" I started packing my refrigerator while pressing the phone to my ear.

"You should be the last person to judge -"

I stood back, slamming the door. "What? Because I like cock? I'm not married, okay? You don't get to do shit like that and ask for understanding, got it?"

"Is it Barry? Gimme the phone, Andy," My mother held out a slim, pale hand and waited until I handed it over without fully hearing my dad's response. Calm as ever she answered him as she walked away. "Don't harass my son, I didn't answer because I didn't want to talk to you. Sign the damn papers and you can go back to fucking whatever his name is....."

She slammed the door to my room and cut off the remaining conversation. I almost wanted to do what I did as a kid when they were fighting. Rush against the door with a glass to my ear. But it wasn't worth it for one side of a conversation and I guess I'd outgrown the habit anyway.

Fuck, I needed to pay the rent today too. After taking the morning class I'd completely forgotten about picking up some cash from the ATM with my debit card. Mothers. I blamed her since she was the one harping about stocking my refrigerator so she could cook everything as if it were Christmas already. But I'd caved, since cooking would make her happier. And the food really was great.

I leave a note that I was heading back out and pulled on my sneakers, heading towards the closest bank. It was like ten minutes away thankfully. Easy jogging distance too.

The strays were barking after a few cars as they passed and I shook my head. They'd never learn would they? Someday, I noted to myself as I waved at Mrs. Headley, I'd be having a talk with Dave at the pound about setting up homes for these dogs rather than releasing them all over again. Maybe the fucker was just in love with the chase. They probably jumped into his truck by now anyway.

"Hey," a vaguely familiar voice called from behind me. "Wait up." I froze automatically and turned to whoever it was. Nick flashed his easy smile at me and I watched his face redden when he realised he was staring. "About the other day..." He started.

"Don't worry about it," I cut him off.

I could practically hear him holding his breath as he sank into a stride to match my pace. "What if I want to worry about it? Look I feel bad about it already, especially if I'm intruding on something between you and Dylan. But I want to know something..."

"Yeah? Okay, shoot." I tried to ignore his friendly tone, tinged with chagrin at my being so dismissive.

"Why? I mean... I don't get it."

"Do you have to?" I fixed him with a sidelong glare. He almost tripped over his feet as he reddened again.

He still didn't back down. "I can probably be a better sub than him," He muttered.

I stopped moving. My hands were suddenly itching at his nerve. In a way it was hot, but more annoying than anything else. I saw what he meant, Dylan didn't make sense with me because we were so different. He'd even hurt an animal. But all of that was surface value, and nobody had the right to just dismiss him as a person. "Truth, Nick, no, you wouldn't. Not if you'll say that to me. And another thing, you're cute and all but it's not really for you to question... Whoever you're looking for, he's not me."

He caught up with me again as I turned into the triple booth ATM. "Ouch. He's got you dom-whipped." He backed off when I glared again, "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pried."

I started punching in my code and muttered my reply, "Damn right." I continued only because the kid would never figure it out otherwise. "Romeo seems to be full of fun stories huh?"

He laughed, "Yeah. I bothered him about you a lot."

At that moment I was pretty alarmed. "Fuck."

"What? I didn't ask him half of the stuff I'd wanted to, and he didn't answer half of the stuff I asked."

"No. Not you. Just... Fuck." I hit the machine. A range of emotions travelling through me.

"What? You're wiped out?" He inquired, concerned immediately.

"No. There's about two hundred thousand more than I left in it."

"That's a problem?" He sounded perplexed. "Let's go get you a fucking car!"

"No. It is a problem." I withdrew just my rent and retrieved my card woodenly. I knew exactly who it was.

"Man... I wish I had your problems." Nick shook his head tiredly. "I wonder if I checked now if I'd get the same luck."

I gestured towards the machine as I backed away towards the door, "You're welcome to try."

I left him punching in his PIN as I hurried home. I had to have a talk to Mr. Ryman.

Back at home I found my phone left on the coffee table beside the bags of groceries I hadn't packed as yet. My mom was nowhere around, but with my room door locked I could only assume she wanted to be left alone. I checked my messages, heeding the notification of two new message in my inbox from the number I'd now saved as Fuckhead.

A brief transaction log was the first message, detailing the transfer of two hundred and fifty grand. The second message was: You can call this incentive. It comes with a job offer if you walk away now. -NR

I briefly ran through what I knew about Dylan's father in my head and made several conclusions.

1. He owned things. Having Dylan was like claiming his property.

2. He'd never stop until he got what he wanted or what was coming to him.

3. He was used to getting his way.

4. He can't be completely untouchable...

The mental list began to grow and I made a decision on the spot. Maybe it was the right one, maybe not. But I knew one thing for sure. Ryman had messed with the wrong fucking college student.

I responded to his message. Mr. Ryman, I'm gay, not an animal. Buy a guy a drink first.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N: Can you feel it heating up? I hope so.

See ya again tomorrow.

Stay golden!

-Ender Xen

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