Chapter Forty-seven

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Bree's POV

Looking past the pain and discomfort of being tied up and left here as Natalie's toy, I decided that things weren't so bad. As frustrating as it was to watch that motherfucking son of a bitch Ryman walk through those doors, nothing compared to the healing thoughts of revenge on the wicked witch of the east herself.

Natalie kept drinking, an act as natural to her as sleeping around and backstabbing.

"You gonna loosen these cords or are you afraid without Ryman's henchmen to back you up?" I challenged her with everything I had. Natalie had a dominant flaw, I guess you could call it. She considered herself a queen, someone above everyone else and untouchable. With Ryman's money and influence on her behalf I could see how that only encouraged her fantasy. But this was the fucking real world bitch. And shit got on the shoes of rich and poor alike.

She sneered back at me but crossed the room nevertheless, taking her time, "I don't need anyone's help to subdue you, you forget I'm practiced at making women do what I want." She curled her body around the chair and began to loosen the cords around my legs, tailing from my thighs all the way down to my ankles.

Bile rose at her touch. She was poison. Ryman deserved her in full. "True," I said instead of the several nasty insults creeping into my mind. "We were always good together. I know you too well, Natalie. I knew you never quit gambling. I knew when you started cheating and I knew you would betray me somewhere at the back of my head. I know because I would've done the same thing if I were you."

Her lips curled up at that. That wasn't surprising of the Bree she knew. "We two are alike. It is what makes us so compatible."

Wrong. Ever heard about opposites attract? It's what made us incompatible. I rolled my eyes, pretending to be simply impatient to get the cords off and she finally frees my hands after a few frustrated grunts. Her lips, coated perfectly with red lipstick, pursed as she leaned in for a kiss and I didn't pull away.

I let my eyelids shutter as I returned the first gentle pressure of her lips and I ran my hands up her back, feeling where her brassiere hooked and popping it skillfully. Natalie's chuckled low in her throat, a sexy half-purr that made her sound like I'd imagined the whore of Babylon sounded. I pulled away after accepted half a dozen kisses, and battling with her tongue for as many attempts. Natalie always enjoyed our battles. They frustrated her, and thrilled her at the same time. Her body was impatient to toy with me, and to test me out. Likely she had agreed with Ryman to punish me in some way. I didn't plan on waiting for it.

I leaned back, noticing the glaze in her eyes when I threw her my most lustful gaze and a mischievous smile, "I always wanted to try something..."I hooked my left leg around her back and edged her closer.

She laughed, a dirty pitch that ended in a fit of giggles. She really should stop drinking. "You mean there's something we never tried?"

In answer I slid my right foot up her left thigh and up under her dress which ended just above her knees. Natalie loved dresses. Skirts and jeans would never do for the queen after all. I thanked my lucky stars that it made this all the more convenient. I probed the lacy texture I found at the base of the 'V' of her legs and made a light stroke over the sexy fabric to the heated flesh beneath.

A moan ripped from her throat savagely and she threw back her head with a wild invitation, "Do it!"
I laughed, and it caught even me by surprise. Natalie had a new fetish it seemed, although she did have a fascination for my feet years ago while we together, the response now was never so... primitive. "You have to be willing to do as I say..." I trailed off teasingly when I slipped my big toe around the thin fabric and into her quickly saturating heat. The folds of her flesh clenched around the sudden intrusion and her back arched sharply as she cried out something indiscernible in French.

As she calmed I heard her acquiesce sweetly in French I did understand, "Oui, oui reine Bree." Yes, yes, Queen Bree.

Andy's POV

I didn't ever plan on leaving Bree behind. It wasn't right, and I'd be damned if she suffered because of me. When I got back to downtown to exchange Louisa's beat up car for the sleek Audi it was already almost seven in the morning, and my mind wandered down several paths before I reigned them all tightly in.

I didn't let my mind think about the several ways the plan could fail. All I wanted was for Dylan to forgive me after all of this. For everyone to make it out alive and for Dylan to know that I did this for him. Two reasonable requests right?

The car ate up the distance smoothly while checked in with Louisa to make sure we were all set.

"Everything's ready. It's rudimentary but my guys on the force says it'll be enough provided we get that confession. The second he admits to anything, we send in the big guns to get Dylan and everyone else out of there."

"Good. Don't let it get too far either way. If this goes south promise me you'll get Dylan out of there anyway."

"And do what? Take him where? Honestly Andy, if this goes south for us, it's over. There's no running from something like this. But don't worry. We're the only ones who know about this operation, and my guys wouldn't breathe a word to anyone, I assure you." She sounded convinced, but I wasn't so sure about the loyalty of her men. Ryman bought everything he saw, a trick that has already paid off in more than one people. Natalie was a prime example of that. Natalie. I wondered how she would like that whip to her own flesh because Bree was never the forgiving type.

The parking lot outside Natalie's apartments was empty this time, and I figured Ryman had cleared out his people after he left. That was a relief, since I had no plan to handle them except bluff my way back into the building.

The silence was broken during my elevator ride up to the third floor when a loud scream came from the room in the general direction of where I'd left Bree. I startled then listened again. Nothing. Then the elevators doors opened and the scream came again, louder and longer and I rushed to the door.

Kicking frantically when I found it locked, it took me four tries to finally kick it open, and I sprang into the room. A sharp buzzing sound came and I saw Bree aiming a liquor bottle at me, only to lower it when she saw my face. I had to have looked like a fool with my mouth open.

Natalie had been tied down on the bar table where earlier I'd had drinks, with nothing but black wires covering her nipples. One, long stemmed black handle stuck out of her clean shaven cooch and a wire ran back up to a control pad in Bree's gloved hand.

"Took you fucking long enough." Bree greeted me with a glance before hitting the pad savagely. Natalie's screams came again and didn't end until Bree hit the pad again. I flinched away from the noise.

Natalie let out a stream of rapid fire French aimed both at Bree and me in what sounded like the worst insults in the world. Bree blew her a kiss.

"What the fuck Bree? What is that?"

"Electric stimulator, turned to the highest. You should buy one of these," she said as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "Say you're sorry Natalie. To my friend over here." Natalie cast me a murderous glare and clenched her jaws. "No? You mean you're not sorry?" Bree shook her head in disdain, "Shame." She hit the pad again and put it down on the table, walking towards the door. Natalie's screams only rose higher and higher in protest as she tried to speak through the pain.

"Bree, you're not gonna leave her like this." I mean, she was a bitch, but what if she died like this?

"I'm getting my fucking shoes on, she'll manage until then."

I turned back to Natalie who writhed and screamed some more and I shrugged, "You were a fucking bitch after all." I walked over to pick up the pad. It was buzzing with energy. I turned it off and Natalie spoke through clenched teeth. More French. It was most certainly not an apology. "Hey Bree, you mind?"

"Be my guest," she sang as she pulled on her strappy shoes.

Smiling widely, I hit the switch.


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