mikazuki munechika x reader

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Mikazuki let out a low gasp as he felt something thud against his back. He then exhaled in relief, having almost spilled the cup of tea he had in his hands.

He peered over his own shoulder, delighted to find his master leaning onto his back, her face buried into his clothes. She grasped onto the blue cloth that covered his body tightly, nuzzling her head deeper into his back as she let out a soft purr.

Mikazuki chuckled as he took a sip of tea. "Hahaha. Master, what's the matter?"

"Old man, I need some advice." Saniwa muttered, her voice muffled as she planted her face deeper into Mikazuki's back.

"Hahaha, again?" Mikazuki smiled slyly as he felt her uneven breaths.

"You've got nothing better to do anyway, do you? Hear me out for a while." Removing her face off Mikazuki's back, Saniwa got herself onto both her feet and tugged onto Mikazuki's sleeves in a child-like manner.

Glancing up at Saniwa from the corner of his eye, Mikazuki breathed out a deep breath. "Master, can't we talk here?"

Upon hearing his question, Saniwa fumed, whacking his shoulders with the little strength she had in her arms. "I need relationship advice, I can't possibly talk about that right here where all the others can hear!" She nagged, retreating her arms to fold them over her chest afterwards.

Finishing off the last drop of his tea, Mikazuki settled the ceramic cup next to him and got off his seat. "Hahaha, you should have said that sooner."

"I expected you know it already, since you're an experienced grandpa." Saniwa became jittery as she shuffled about in place.

"I may be old but that doesn't mean I'm a mind reader or fortune-teller, Master." Mikazuki's majestic blue irises stared straight at Saniwa seriously although his carefree smile remained.

Adverting her gaze away in embarrassment, Saniwa left the hallway and went back to her office. Mikazuki trailed after her and he did not forget to bring his tea set along with him, of course.


Saniwa shut the door gingerly behind her when both master and sword entered the office. It was relatively huge, with a main desk and a coffee table with four chairs arranged around it. Both master and sword sat by the coffee table, opposite of each other for easier communication.

"I'm ready whenever you are." Pouring a fresh cup of tea into a clean cup, Mikazuki pushed it in front of Saniwa before pouring one for himself as well.

"Thank you." Accepting the teacup, Saniwa took a small sip out of it. She scrunched her face up shortly after, sticking her tongue out in disgust. "Ugh, it's so tasteless."

"Mmm, I see Master is still a child." Mikazuki hummed, taking a sip himself and enjoying the bitterness of the traditional sugarless tea.

Saniwa pouted as she responded,"Don't call me that."

"Hahaha, the power of youth." Mikazuki placed the cup down with a soft clang before resting back in his seat to hear his master out.

Saniwa cradled the teacup in both hands as she stared down at her reflection in the tea. Sighing, she finally spoke up. "So there's someone I like but I don't know how to confess to him. Actually, I don't even know if I should since I don't think we are meant to be together in the first place."

"Is it someone from school?" Mikazuki rested his hands onto his lap as he listened in to Saniwa's concerns.

"Maybe." Saniwa's answer to his question was vague.

Placing a hand onto his chin, Mikazuki pondered for a while. "Why don't you tell me more about who you like first? For example, what you like about him and what kind of person he is."

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