ookurikara x reader

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Requested by: @TheLazyGaby

"I don't intend on getting friendly."

"You don't but I do." Saniwa countered Ookurikara innocently.

"Tsk," Turning his face away from Saniwa, Ookurikara cluck his tongue under his breath. "How annoying." He murmured, his voice barely audible to Saniwa.

This conversation occured every single day since Ookurikara made his appearance at the citadel. As expected, the sword was not too keen on meeting his new master and did not think much of her as he always pushed her away whenever she got near. Saniwa seemed to have different ideas however as she never gave up on the goal of getting closer to Ookurikara.

Saniwa's round eyes zoomed in onto Ookurikara. "What did you say?" She questioned, peering over his back and placing her chin onto his left shoulder.

"Get away from me." Shoving Saniwa off, Ookurikara threw her a death glare before turning his back to her once again, dismissing Saniwa's words.

The young girl pouted. Bringing her knees towards her chest, her rested her head on top of them and wrapped her arms around her legs. Her dolly eyes blinked, staring at Ookurikara's back seriously.

Moments later, Saniwa dug into her pocket, retrieving a packet of mochi which Kasen had given to her earlier in the day. She did not have the appetite to consume it and till now, she wasn't able to eat it.

Scooting over towards Ookurikara, Saniwa placed her back onto his, leaning against the sword's broad back. This alarmed Ookurikara and he flinched immediately glaring at her as a signal for her to get off him that instant.

"Have this," Saniwa took the green tea flavoured mochi from the packet and directed it towards Ookurikara's lips such that it was touching them. "It's sweet."

Ookurikara opened his mouth to speak, in attempt to reject Saniwa but the female took this chance to stuff the sweet dessert into his mouth. With his mouth half full, Ookurikara grunted,"I am not a child you know, giving me sweets like that."

Saniwa smiled. She then brought her hands up towards Ookurikara's face, picnhing his cheeks gently as she let out a small giggle. "But you look as cute as a child like that, Kuri."

Swallowing the dessert, Ookurikara frowned, turning around bashfully as he murmured,"Don't touch me."

"Oh, I need to go now," removing her hands off Ookurikara promptly, Saniwa took a glance at her wristwatch. "The team out on expedition was asking for orders earlier. I need to send out instructions now, see you later."

Patting Ookurikara's shoulder, Saniwa got herself off the ground and exited Ookurikara's room. She gave him a small wave, with he reacted to with a scornful expression before she left his line of sight.

His eyes fell onto the packet of unfinished mochi on the ground, which he assumed Saniwa had left behind for him. He hesistated for a moment before he reached out towards the packet warily, careful to make sure no one was looking when he reached out for another mochi, this time a sesame flavoured one.

He reflected on the countless times Saniwa had tried to get close to him despite him shooting down her efforts every single time. The sword never understood why Saniwa still wanted to continue getting close to him although he made it vividly clear that he had no intentions on getting friendly with her.  Howbeit he knew that Saniwa's attempts were not completely in vain as a small part of him was urging him to open up to her.

He did not understand what was it about Saniwa which could break through his hard shell. Through his countless years with the existence of a sword, Ookurikara had sworn to never get close to anyone. Even the swords which he supposedly had the closest relationships to, Shokudaikiri Mitsutada and Taikogane Sadamune, were beings whom he never deeply associated himself with.

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