4. Adwin

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Adwin sits on the transport reading Arthur Danto. She glances over at Kostas, who takes the eye contact as an invitation to talk, as usual.

"Did you know that Socrates was sentenced to death after a public trial for corrupting the youth. All because he had the nerve to ask 'why'?"

"Yeah, and then his friends bribed the guards and came to rescue him. But he wouldn't go because he had benefited from the town's government and tacitly agreed to abide by their laws. Their laws condemned him so he stayed and was executed. You think you know more philosophy than me? Keep dreaming."

"Yeah, but you're an artist. I'll be assigned as thought leader in some town."

"Excellent. When you run out of thoughts you can call me. I won't tell anyone your shame. After all you will be required to do what is morally correct."

"Very funny. Well Mill says..."

"Whatever is good for the most is good for all and is therefore morally correct. Yeah I know. That's why calling me will be your moral obligation."

Kostas looks at her with pure admiration, but Adwin has moved on. The newest member of their convoy has peaked her interest. She watches as she approaches the Carnegie from Sky Landing. The new girl's words are inaudible, but Carnegie's ring loud and clear.

"A Bookish? From Cat's Bridge?"

Adwin watches as her fellow passengers erupt into laughter. Her eyes scan the hyenas around her, but her focus goes to the new girl. The series of emotions that play across her face in just seconds is impressive. First, her cheeks go flush followed by a small frown and furrowed brow. Then one eyebrow lifts while the other rests before both join to form a stern V above her nose. Finally, her eyes grow wide and then tightens on her foe.

"Beautiful," Adwin whispers as she takes in the art that is human emotion. She is so lost in the determination of her fellow passenger that she doesn't actually hear her retort.

The words spoken are not important. The vulnerability she has shown call to Adwin. As the girl turns to the window, the large charm on her wooden necklace swings wide and Adwin follows it.

Turning to Kostas she asks, "Do you think there are really people out there that the Republic doesn't know about?"

"Everyone is microchipped when they're born, A. And our implants randomly record life events as data. Not to mention that no one even gets pregnant without the First 400 knowing. So, I don't see how it would be possible."

"You know the stories though! People living underground and off the grid. I hear they are in caves in the southwest somewhere. What do you think their world is like?"

"I think it could be whatever you want it to be. Because it doesn't exist. Look, I love the First 400 because I think we have a good life, but they are brutal. They would not allow that kind of deviance from the society they set up for us. Everyone has their place because they use our data to determine where we go and how we contribute to the Republic. Make no mistake. It's their world. They just let us live in it."

Adwin lifts one side of her mouth in disappointment and pretends to go back to her book. She must not be very good at pretend reading because Kostas offers her hope, "You know, it's possible. Why are you so interested?"

"Just curious is all." Adwin turns away from Kostas and considers telling him the truth, but she has lied for so many years it is not that easy. She feels a hand on her shoulder sending ripples across her skin. She shows Kostas the left side of her face offering a soft, sensual smile. Her hand finds his and they share a moment they know is foolish. "Kostas, in a few days we will..."

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