Grounded/ chapter 1

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"BEEP,  BEEP,  BEEP! ",  Lance groaned. He hit the snooze button.  About 20 minutes later,  he had heard his door open,  but didn't dare to open his eyes.  He could've sworn he locked it.

   " LANCE!!! " "AAAAGHHHH!!! " Lance screeched.
He fell off his bed with a painful "Thud." He opened his eyes,  recognizing the cheerful face of Coran.  " Sorry I had to wake you,  but breakfast is ready.  Once you're done eating,  you will have to go to the training deck.  We will be waiting there. " He said twirling his mustache. 

  Lance sat up,  rubbing the back of his head.  "Well come on then,  chop chop! " Coran said.  With that,  Coran left,  leaving Lance to get ready.  Lance got up and went to the bathroom to remove his face mask.  He went back to his room to put on his daily clothes,  but then he checked the time,  "6: 32." Lance's eyes widened.  Why did Coran wake me up so early!?  He thought.  He quickly got dressed and went into the dining room.  It only took a couple minutes to arrive.  When he got there,  Keith was sitting down eating food goo.

  "What are you doing here!? " Lance said in an aggressive tone.

  Keith jumped,  then looked up at him with confusion.  " Eating...? "

   " Yeah!?  Well,  so am I!! "

   "Ok...? " Keith held his gaze a moment longer before going back to eating his goo. Lance and Keith are the rest of their goo in peace.  Moment later,  they were on their way to the training deck.

  "I'll race ya to the training deck!! " Lance challenged.

Before Keith could answer,  Lance sprinted down  the halls.  Surprisingly,  Keith had won,  but only because he ran past Lance at the last second.  I should've won,  he cheated!  Lance thought.  Once they arrived everyone was there,  just as Coran had promised.  Lance's eyes settled on Pidge.  She had a smug look on her face.  Lance knew what they were thinking.  He stole a glance at Keith.  Keith was staring at him.  By the look he's giving Lance,  he knows that Keith knew too.  They both blushed.

  "So.... what were you guys up to?  Seeing that you two were late together! " Pidge teased.  Hunk snickered. 

  " P-PIDGE!!!! THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED!! " Lance yelled.

   " Lance,  don't raise your voice!  Pidge,  stop pestering them! " Shiro scolded sternly.  " Everyone come here so Allura can tell us why we are here. "

  " B-but Shiro,  I was jus-" Pidge started

     " Pidge,  no 'buts',  listen to what Allura has to say. " Shiro interrupted

"Thank you Shiro. " Allura smiled.  "I'm going to partner you guys up in order to see your bond.  You will have to be truthful to each other in order to defeat your enemies.  Imagine you both are on a galra cruiser,  fighting galra soldiers.  In order for you to survive,  you will have to trust in one and the other. "

  " But,  uh,  princess,  there are five of us.  How are we going to be partnered evenly? " Hunk questioned.

  " Well,  Hunk,  if you let me finish,  then you will know.  I will be with Pidge,  knowing that you and them are already good friends and you already trust each other.  Shiro,  you and Hunk will be partnered.  That leaves Keith and Lance. Coran will be watching" Allura finished.

" WHAT!? But we are rivals! " Lance yelled,  blushing madly.

   " I agree with Allura, " Shiro said. " you two need to get things straight! "

" But Lance is anything  but straight. " Keith said with a satisfied smirk.  Pidge and Hunk watched with amusement.

"HEY!!! " Lance yelled.  " I'm bisexual,  not gay! You're the one gay! " Pidge let out a gasp,  and Hunk was gaping.  Lance guessed they didn't know about this.

" YOU TWO,  GO TO YOUR ROOMS!  you'll practice later!  You will come out when I say so! " Shiro yelled,  holding the bridge of his nose and pointing to the door with his free hand.

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