Chapter 6: The Date

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Lance's POV

  Lance wakes up and checks the time, "4:32." Lance groans and tries to go back to sleep. He fails and decides to text his new boyfriend.

  LanceyLance: KEITH!!!

Lance waits a couple minutes until his phone goes off.

  Keith:  Lance! For fucks sake, it's 4 in the morning! What do you want!?

  LanceyLance: I can't sleep!

  Keith: what am I supposed to do about it!?
LanceyLance: 😉

  Keith: NO Lance!

  LanceyLance: fine! But we should at least go on a date. Meet me in the blue lion's hangar at noon. Sound good?

  Keith: okay, sure


  Keith: will you sleep now!?

  LanceyLanceyes,  night

Lance waits for Keith's reply,  but it never came. Must've fallen asleep.  Lance closes his eyes and after a few minutes of tossing and turning,  sleep took him over.

(6 hours later)

Lance awakes and looks at the time,  "10:45"

"Quiznack!" Lance yells and jumps up. He takes a shower and puts on clean clothes. He sprints out and eats some food goo. Lance checks the time again, "11:12" Okay I have enough time. Lance bursts into Pidge's room.
"PIDGE!!" Lance screamed.

"Uhm, knock much?" Pidge sounds annoyed.

"That doesn't matter right now! Im in a crisis! "

"It's about Keith,  isn't it?  Or did you find a new alien chic? "

"Wha-no! No, no! I don't want an alien chic!"

"That's at first." Pidge says with a smirk.

"Pidge! Ugh! I'm serious!"

"Fine! What's up?"

"I'm going on a date with Keith in less than an hour! What do I do!?"

"Well... first of all, stay calm and be yourself. Second of all... YES!! And lastly,  we're in space,  you know where you're going, right?"


"Good, then you should be fine. I know for a fact Keith loves the real you. So once again be yourself."

"Thank you Pigeon! You may be annoying, but you're a really good friend."

"No problem, and back to you." Pidge says with a warm smile. Lance returns the smile and walks out. He walks into the blue lion's hangar and looks at the time. "11:46. Man, time flies by fast." He says to himself.

"Heh, tell me about it" Lance wips around and sees Keith leaning against the lion. Lance felt heat rise to his ears as he checks Keith out. Keith looks at Lance, probably knowing that he's checking him out.

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