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Im sad tbh because I don't feel real at all. If it's true you are my friend, why I notices that you never act like one? We promised that we will gather and meet someday but why I see that I'm slowly fading from the dream. Why? What have I done that you don't like me? Tell me now, I won't mad.. Something need to be done but too bad it can never be done.... or it can? Never know...

If you read this, I really love you my dear friend, just know that I never took you for granted and that I never look down on my friends. I never sound my feelings verbally cause I know that people wouldn't care much. Who am I to be love by someone? Thank you for giving a great time

I will continue being like this and remain my real thyself in my heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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