Chapter 2

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I woke up hours later to the smell of breakfast. Banana pancakes and bacon and fresh fruit. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and right on cue, The Doctor came bounding in with a tray of food.

"How's my wonderful wife who's more beautiful than anything in the whole universe?" he asked plaing the tray in my lap.

"What did you break?" I awnsered and looked at the perfectly circular pancakes.

"Nothing! Jenny and I thought you would like breakfast in bed," he said sitting next to me.

I smile, "why do you look really sexy this morning?"

"I look sexy every morning," he said wrapping his arm around me and pulling me close.

"And humble too," I retorted giving him a quick kiss.

He set the tray aside and pulled me even closer ... so close I was on top of him.

"Could we make another little one?" he asked.

I pulled away," we just got this one ... and I almost killed you last night ... so no."

He gave me his puppy dog eyes and I looked at him blankly. He crawled up on me and gave me a pleading look.

"PLEASE!?!?" he begged.

"No," I said trying to eat.

He pinned my hands to the headboard and looked me in the eyes, "Please."

"Oh ... somebody's kinky this morning," I grinned.

He let me go, "Not funny."

"Very funny," I said shoving a pancake into my mouth.

It was brilliant! 'Course, Jenny made it so it was always brilliant. That was the rules, ether me or Jenny cooked ... last time we let The Doctor cook, let's just say we had to get a new kitchen.

"How is it mum?" Jenny said from the doorway.

"Amazing," I said with a grin.

"So better than dad's burnt kitchen?" she giggled sitting on the bed.

"Dunno ... that burnt kitchen tasted pretty good," I smiled.

We both started laughing and The Doctor was having one of his pouty fits.

"Oh come on babe ..." I giggled.

He looked like a three year old with his stuck out lip and hi furrowed brow. I laughed and poked him on the nose and he smiled a bit.

"There ... happy daddy," I said to Jenny.

She laughed and gave me a hug," I love you."

"I love you too ... blondie."

"You're blonde too," she pointed out.

"No, I'm dirty blonde. YOU are BLONDE blonde," I said pointing to her head.

"But it makes me sexy," she giggled.

I studied her for a moment," one hundred percent your father."

We all laughed at that. This is what a family is. People who can laugh at eachother and accept eachother.

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