"No ... we have a new born baby we are NOT going anywhere!" I said for the thousandth time.
"Oh please ... I'll keep us safe,"he pleaded
I sighed, "FINE!"
"OH THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he shouted and ran off like a child after candy.
I love him, god I love him, but he can be the most annoying thing in the universe. I went back into Natalie's room and went to the crib. She wiggled and babbled.
"Good morning Wiggles," I said picking her up.
She giggled and chewed her fist.
I chuckled, "let's get ready to go honey."
I got her dressed and we went to the console room.
"Where are we dad?" Jenny asked.
"The forests of Null," hes said putting on his coat.
"I tell you to go somewhere safe ... and you take us to a forest," I sigh.
"Its an uninhabited forest," he said as he stepped out.
The smell of pine trees and the feel of cold air hit me. It was a relief and imedatilly, I ran outside. Smiles where on all of our faces. It was so beautiful and nice. A forest untouched by anything, pure and fresh.
It felt wonderful after six months of being couped up in the TARDIS on "maternity leave" as the Doctor called it. So nice to walk around and not hear your footsteps echo in a hallway or look around and feel caved in.
Natalie wiggled and babbled and looked around with big eyes. Imagine what it is ike for a little baby to see such a big world ... then multiply that by one thousand. That is how a Time Lord baby sees the universe.
So much wonder and care. The first thing I could see in her mind was the need to run around and help. That was amaziing. Such a little mind with so much kindness.
"Let's go," The Doctor said as he started to walk away. It was quite and peaceful. Nothing out of the ordenairy ... but I thought I saw a white dog out of the corner of my eye.