Chapter 8

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I ran. I ran through the walls of cold. I ran till I couldn't feel my face then I kept running.  I ran until I collapsed in the dirt with a twisted ankle. I sat up with my back pinned against the log I had tripped on and held my ankle. It throbbed with a searing pain as it swelled. I layed my head against the log and closed my eyes again. I wanted to sleep. My body needed it, but I was to scared.I had managed, however, to fall into a dreamless nap.

When I woke up, there was a hot, sour breath in my face. I open my eyes and I am face to face with a white wolf. The creature stared at me with silver eyes. I slammed my back into the log and looked at it in fear. It growled and I braced myself to be ripped to shreds, but nothing happened.

I open my eyes and the wolf looks calm. It gave out a small whimper and nudged my ankle.

"Ow!" I hiss.

The wolf whimpered again and tried to pull my pant leg up. I got what he was trying to get at and slowly pulled my pant leg up. He sniffed at my swollen ankle and gave it a gentle lick. It stung for a second, but then the pain faded. This wolf was not a threat ... It was trying to help. It gave it a few more licks before the swelling had gone down and it no longer hurt.

"Thank you," I said.

The wolf nodded and gave off what seemed to be a smile.

"Sarah!?!?" I heard the Doctor shout.

 The wolf's ears pricked and ran off just as the Doctor, Jenny, and Natalie came running into view.

"It saved me," I said as everything went black and I was carried home to my TARDIS.

When I awoke, I was in bed with warm covers and my wonderful husband beside me.

"Good morning," he smiled.

"Morning ... what happened?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"The water from the falls contained a chemical. You got it in your eyes and ears and it made you hallucinate. Some white wolf or something," He said and pulled me close.

Was it a dream? Was I hallucinating? I couldn't have been.

"Im tired," I yawned.

" Go back to sleep ... I've got to clean up things anyway," he said.

"'Bout time," I chuckled and fell back to sleep.

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