Chapter Twenty Four

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Charging across the open battle field of the Batcave Batman throw a handful of small black balls at Trigon, that exploded into a thick grey cloud reducing the visibility of the area. Since the loss of the first eye, the team had made some small headway. Trigon still had three of his eyes but a team up of Superman, Green Lantern and Batwing had managed to break a wrist. The heroes had been switching the teams up on the fly with some members dropping out of one team and filling spaces in another while their space in the original team got filled by other heroes. This adaptability and unspoken coordination gave the ensemble an edge, Trigon wasn't able to pin down any weak spots due to the ever-changing format. He had however, managed to ensnare Aquaman and Shazam with mind control. "Billy, you have to clear your mind. Think about what you're doing, you'll get hurt if this carries on." Said Flash as he tried to get Shazam back from Trigon. "Duck!" Flash heard from behind him and he did so immediately, thinking there'd be no time to check who called. Before Shazam had time to react two boots came crashing squarely to his face sending him tumbling back. As Flash looked up he saw Red Hood and Nightwing stood before him. "Stop messing around, we don't have time for this nonsense. If he can't come to his senses, then put him down. Deal with the fall out later." Red Hood more or less ordered him before taking off again. Flash got back to his feet while quickly thinking and analysing his words. "He's more like Bruce than I thought he'd be." He thought aloud to Nightwing still standing in front of him scanning the area around them. "He is, neither of them would admit that though." Nightwing replied without turning around to face him. "That said, if we go forward with his suggested mentality, then all Trigon has to do is take our minds one by one till we put each other out of commission." Flash protested. "He's right though Barry, we don't have the time. We need as many people on Trigon as we can get. Most people can keep their mind or fight it out if he does get in. But, remember that Billy is still a kid himself. Put him down and then we'll apologise later." Said Superman as he came up behind his two friends, his voice was soft and coated in disapproval of his own words. Flash stood for a moment and then nodded letting out a defeated sigh. "I'll re-join the team, you handle Billy." He said as he raced off to join Wonder Woman and Green Lantern. "You should handle Shazam, I'll meet up with Jason and we'll deal with Aquaman." Nightwing said as he turned toward his self-appointed target. Superman set his sights on Shazam "Alright" he said and then flew off at top speed colliding with Shazam and carried him through the rock and earth that made up the ceiling of the Batcave. 

"Always thought you could use a skylight in here Bruce." Joked Batgirl as she glided through the air on her grapple, twisting as she went, she spiralled around Trigons neck, so the line was tight around his throat. "It's not a bad look, it would make it almost romantic for us on the nights we have dinner down here." Added Catwoman while using the handle of her whip to slide down Batgirls grappling wire and landing on Trigons shoulders. Bruce didn't acknowledge the quips, he wasn't in the mood even if he knew they were trying to keep spirits up. Before Trigon could react to Catwomans presence she pounced from her position up the left side of his face and with as much might as she could muster she swiped her arm up from behind her to above her head. With a bellowing roar all combatants turned in Trigons direction. Catwoman had left a long deep gouge from his cheekbone to above his brow, the talons of her gauntlets dropping crimson as she landed elegantly back on the ground next to Batwoman and Huntress. Trigon however was not amused, with two eyes wounded, playtime was over. "Mortal creatures! This farce is over!"  His voice thundered through the cave causing rumble to fall from the ceiling. With a powerful flex of his neck he snapped Batgirls wire and she released her grip on the grapple, glided to the floor and joined Catwoman and Batwoman. "Oh this is going to suck." Said Spoiler as she walked up to their side. Trigon crouched down almost to a ball. "Everyone back!" Ordered Batman and all groups retreated several feet to an assumed safe distance from Trigon. With a trembling roar of effort Trigon leapt vertically, crashing through the small hole made by superman and shazam, forcing it to crack and crumble and expand. Much of the ceiling gave way to the bulk as Trigon powered through it reaching the surface above. "We must get above ground before we're crushed in here." Yelled Wonder Woman as she dodged a still mind controlled Aquaman thrusting his trident toward her. "I agree with one thing Trigon said, playtime is over." Said Red Hood as he charged toward Aquaman, dodging debris as he went. When he was within a metre of the former ally he dropped down and slid under him. At the same time, unseen from the right, Nightwing sped across infront of Aquaman and dragging both his electrified batons from across his left shoulder slammed them across Aquamans face, then kept running. Aquaman, now destabilised, put a foot back behind him to regain his balance only to step onto a mine that Red Hood had placed during in his slid. It detonated, sending Aquaman flying forward ankle over head and landing flat on his back. Before he could react further both Nightwing and Red Hood were on him again. Nightwing placed the ends of his batons to his temples as Red Hood rammed the butts of his pistol to the crown of his head and the bottom of his chin. With out saying a word but completely in sync they electrified their equipment and sent hundreds if not thousands of volts coursing through Aquamans skull. Their friend let out a long screeching scream of pain and from his open mouth flowed a dark deep red black smoke. The two jumped back still ready to fight if necessary as Aquaman got to his feet. "That was, unpleasant." Aquaman stated as he took in his surroundings, seeing the Batcave crumbling and most of his friends making for the now enormous hole in the ceiling to the surface. "What did I miss?" He asked half serious, half rhetorical. "Trigon made you a slave, has broken wrist and two eyes missing now, wasn't happy about it so throw a wobbly. Time to go." Red Hood replied hurriedly as he turned on his heel and ran for the exit. Nightwing just shrugged with a smile and pointed his thumb over his shoulder to the hole. "Time to go Nemo." He jested and Aquaman raised an eyebrow in a "really?" fashion but sighed a smile none the less and fell in behind Nightwing as they made their way to the exit and back to the fight.

In the mansion above Harley had be holding a terrified and crying Raven for some time. The poor girl hadn't stopped shaking the whole time they'd been hearing the fight below. "I don't know what to do, what do I say to her? I could really use some help Red, you were always good with words when I needed them. I hope you're alright." Harley thought to herself. "Mortal creatures! This farce is over!" They heard Trigons thunderous declaration come rumbling up the staircase. Ravens eyes widened in fear and she gripped Harleys sleeves tightly. "Shh, you're ok little birdy, Bats and everyone are clearly winning if he's getting this mad. Besides, I have never seen the big broody batguy this angry, and I've done a lot of things to make him mad, like really mad. Right now, he scares me more than your bloated daddio." Harley said trying to comfort the girl with a smile. Before any kind of answer could come from her however a cough came from behind them. "Sorry love, am I ruining some kind of bonding moment here?" Asked John with a lot of sarcasm and a big triumphant smile.

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