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'cause you know you got perfect aim, i wanna feel you in my veins.'

(vapor - 5 seconds of summer)


"Harry," I whined, "Come on - we have to meet Tiff and Tasha in an hour."

"Mm," he hummed into my pillow, his head buried into it. It was Friday - the last day of school, before Winter break, at last - and Tasha had asked us to meet her at her place tonight; I could only presume Tiff would be tagging along.

"Come on, get up," I nudged him, laughing lightly. The very moment we'd arrived back here he'd vowed to take a nap, despite my protests. 

"Do we have to go?" he mumbled, his voice muffled by the pillow, "I don't like Tiff."


"She's annoying, and she wears too much grandma perfume," he said, and I laughed.

"Fair enough," I grinned, "but she's Tasha's sister. And we're going."

Harry grabbed my arm, tugging me down so I lay on the bed beside him. He lifted himself from the pillow, hovering over me with a smirk plastered on his face, as he pressed a single loving kiss to my jaw, "But I just want to spend time with you." His lips dropped to my neck, and I took my lip between my teeth, goosebumps arising on my skin where he kissed me. My hand met the back of his head, tangling in his long curls as he nipped at the skin below my ear, as I took a sharp intake. 

"You're annoying," I said half-heartedly, and he chuckled lowly.

"I don't think I am."

"You really are."

"Mm," he hummed, his lips attached to my skin, "Is this okay?" his voice was low as his lips met the shell of my ear, and all I did was nod, my eyes fluttering shut at his contact, "Tell me if you want me to stop, baby," his voice remained low - an unfamiliar level of huskiness in his tone; resembling gravel as he kissed my neck, now, his tongue darting out to wet the skin. I let out a gentle whimper as he sucked on the skin of my neck, his teeth grazing the skin and creating a prominent sting, soothed slightly as he dragged his tongue over the marking. He blew on the spot, his hand gripping my hip and rubbing circles on it. 

"Arms up," he mumbled, and I did as I was told as he lifted my shirt over my head, tossing it aside. His eyes flickered down to look at me, his eyes dark with what I noted as lust and adoration as he pressed a kiss to the swell of my breast, his tongue wetting the skin once more. He dipped his head down further, trailing his lips from the passage between my breasts to my stomach, wet kisses covering the surface. He swiftly undid the button of my jeans, tugging them down my legs and tossing them alongside my shirt on the floor, leaving me in only my underwear. There was the lingering unfamiliarity of the way he was acting, but it only built my curiosity, my want - it only encouraged me to allow his actions.

"You're so fucking beautiful," he muttered, his hand grazing over my bare stomach, "how did I get so lucky?"

I didn't respond as he moved back up to my face, his lips meeting mine in a rough encounter, drawing back my lip with his teeth before diving back into the kiss. 

I knew Harry was experienced; this was enough proof if I hadn't known already - yet this revealed a side to Harry I'd never seen before; one I definitely was enjoying the appearance of.

His hand reached behind my back to unclasp my bra, discarding it, and peppering kisses across my breasts. His thumb rolled over my nipple, and I moaned quietly as his trail of kisses began once more along my body, positioning himself between my legs once more. He pressed a long kiss to my inner thigh, moving his lips closer to where I ached to him, before distancing himself a little. 

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