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'i felt so connected, i felt so high, i am going to be lonely for a long, long time.' 

(after - MUNA)

double update in honour of 600 reads yay !! i feel like this is lowkey boring but i hope it's not TOO boring skjsk enjoy


I tugged the blanket tighter around me as I pulled the hair tie from my soaking hair, letting out a slow exhale.

"Here," Tasha handed me a hot cup of tea, "Milk and one sugar, yeah?" I nodded in response, sending her a thankful smile as she sat beside me, having changed clothes and ran a towel through her equally wet hair - same as Luke.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled for what felt like the hundredth time, as Luke rubbed my shoulder and I gripped the mug tightly. 

"Don't be, Ana, you're fine," Luke said kindly, as Tasha flopped onto the couch on the other side of me. We were all soaked from our previous encounter outside in the storm, as they both sat and held me while I cried - their kindness and love only making me cry harder in gratitude for the sweetness of my friends.

"What happened out there, A?" Tasha asked, shifting her position on the couch to lean back against a pillow.

"We talked.." I trailed off, taking a sip of my tea before continuing, "And he still loves me."

"He does?" Tasha's eyes widened, and I nodded, turning to look at her, "That's great, isn't it? If he's back here, you can-"

"No, Tash," I shook my head, "I told him it couldn't happen.. and I told him I didn't love him."

"You lied?" she raised her eyebrows, "Ana, it's not wrong to go back to him if it'll make you happy."

"I can't ruin his life again," I bit my lip, desperate to justify my actions, "I said I'd moved on."

"What? To who?"

I sighed hesitantly, before turning to Luke, "Luke, you know how you love me so much?"

His eyes widened, "Ana, you didn't.."

"I'm sorry!" I whined, glancing back to Tasha who had an unreadable expression, "Tasha, I'll tell him I was lying, I just needed him to go away, and-"

"No, it's okay with me," Tasha reassured me, "you do what you have to do to be happy, Ana. As long as you're making no real moves on my boyfriend," she mused.

"I love you," I declared, leaning forward to hug her tightly, before turning back to Luke, "Luke?" 

He had his head in his hands, and he was leant forward into his lap, shaking his head before he removed his hands, "You told Harry Styles I was your boyfriend.."

"Yes.." I frowned, "Why do you have that look on your face?"

"Because, Ana, he'll fucking kick my ass," he said worriedly, and I'd never seen Luke so nervous.

"What?" I asked quizzically, "No he won't - why would he do that?"

"Because it wouldn't be the fucking first time," Luke seethed, and I raised my eyebrows, shocked at Luke's sudden discomfort, opening my mouth to speak before I was interrupted.

Tasha sighed, "Luke, don't-"

"What's going on?" I pressed, "What do you mean, it wouldn't be the first time?"

"Harry used to beat me up every bloody day a couple years back," Luke explained, and I groaned, burying my head in my hands, "Every single day he'd shove me into my locker and beat the living shit out of me." 

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