The Club

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Y/n P.O.V:
" Where are we going again"
"Obviously club" , Jewel replied nonchalantly, continuing with her make up.
" Yeah, club!! So why are you wearing such a short dress and all that make up", I questioned, with my hands crossed over my chest.
" To look beautiful"
" You don't understand it Jewel! We are going to a club which is dangerous as hell! A club contains drunk boys with no hormonal control leading to the lose of our sanity ! So we are the ones who should be careful and responsible" , I said everything in one breath ,but the thing that she completely ignored me made me more furious.
"You get easily drunk Jewel"
"Huh? Me? N getting drunk easily? Oh please ! N aren't we drinking to get drunk?"
"You get drunk easily and you become a pervert and a touchy person afterwards"
" Hey! I told you I don't get drunk easily", she said trying to prove her point.
"Oh really! Then who was the one who went with me to a restaurant last month and got drunk with just two pegs? " , I asked her with a smirk on my face.
" Ok ok, but I don't become a pervert "
" Yeah , touching someone without permission on wrong places , without even seeing the gender ?"
" So now touching you without your permission is a problem. You are not my friend at all!! And from now on I will watch who am I touching " , she scoffed .
" If you touched me then it wouldn't have been embarrassing as well as hilarious! You freak grabbed the waiter's butt, YOU PERVERT !", I exclaimed.
" Lets go now ! I don't have time unlike you ".
Jewel rushed out I think so because of embarrassment. Ha!
We reached the club and as we surpassed the security, the strong smell of alcohol filled in my nose and the loud music ,more like noice on rhythm, blasted the place, making me go deaf .
I went through the crowd hoping that the bodies of these sweaty people don't make contact with my skin. I finally reached the bar and plopped myself on one of the seats. I signaled the bartender to take my order.
" Two shots of xxx please "
The look on the bartender clearly said that he couldn't hear one word because of the music.
I went closer to him and repeated , and this time thankfully,he heard it.
He came back with my order and with two gulps , I drank both the shots but regretted soon enough as my throat starting stinging and burning . I took a lemon slice and started to suck the lemon and when thought where those two morons could be.
Taking the name of devil, and devil comes. I saw tae and Jewel on my right side with a tray full of shots. And in a moment they started gulping down one by one, with me here watching them with jaw dropped. In just a blink of eye , they were drinking 2-3 shots. Have they gotten insane??!!
And the tray became empty!!
Taehyung stood up, and walked towards the l-shaped sofa , his feet woggling, which was beside the bar. I diverted my gaze towards Jewel, now seated beside me. She was smiling to herself and then gave me a funny look.
She turned towards the bartender and ordered more shots. Just how much is this girl gonna drink ?
The waiter came with another tray.
" Girl, drink with me" ,Jewel started whining and simultaneously drinking, and for me, I was sitting still gaping at her drinking so much and thinking about the after effects.
When Jewel said that , I came back to reality and started slowly taking shots as well.
"Jewel , I want to go home now"
" But we came here now", she looked at me with sad eyes.
"We came here an hour ago and I just feel dizzy, and also uncomfortable because of all these stares" I mentioned it at how these boys were looking at us like they were looking at some delicacy.
" O-k , I will - allow y-oooou if you answer m-y ques-tion" ,she said while hiccupping and pointing at herself.
"You are my friend,Jewel who is now gonna give the car keys ,so that we can return home"
"N-oooo! Wrong Ans-wer"
"Oh WOW! Then who are you?"
"Do yo-u wan-na know who I am?"
"Yup", I said with no internet.
"I am a...." , she was cut off by some stupid flirt.
"Hey sexy. Wanna join me ?"
He had his ugly smirk plastered on his face and Jewel instantly stood up. No doubt he was handsome but he doesn't give me good vibes.
"She's going no where", I said as I gripped her wrist , stopping her from going on to the dance floor.
"Then you can join as well, beautiful", he said to me and winked towards me.
"I'll come rig-ht now. Don't woorrryyy~", she said to me and patted my head and went with the boy.
Fine! At least she should have left her purse here so that I could take the keys! Uuhhh!! I just want to get out of this place !!

Sorry for updating so late and also for a boring chapter. I wanted to write more but I had no time and also I thought if I write the next part , I would have to write more to compete the sequence. I'm just speaking rubbish.
Today's questions,
Q) What stage name would you want if you were in a K-pop group?
A/n opinion: I would love to have my stage name as my Korean name ,i.e., Sungyoung or 'Sun-b' or 'Moon'. I have even planned my stage name but I know that I'm not gonna be 1. Hehe😌😌~ Give your opinions as well . Thank you for reading, my chingus. I purple you all!!

 I purple you all!!

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