chapter twenty

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Luke sighed happily as he drank his slushie, letting the cool sand smother his feet and the even colder ocean water splash his ankles. He didn't know Michael was taking to to a beach, but he loved it none the less. It was relaxing.

Michael bumped his shoulder and he hummed as he looked at him. "Can I have some?" He asked and Luke held out the cup for him.

"We have the same one, but okay." Luke nodded and then looked over the glittery ocean.

"It tastes better when it's your's and not mine." Michael complained and Luke rolled his eyes.

"Of course it does. It's mine. It's better." Luke agreed and the two shared a short laugh.

"School's out soon." Michael brought up and Luke nodded. "We can hang out more often."

"Who said I wanted that?"

Luke stumbled as Michael pushed him and the blond laughed when he regained his balance. "I'm kidding." He defended himself  as Michael scoffed. "You know I love you."

Michael turned to him and Luke met his gaze. "What?" He asked and Michael had a stupid grin on his face. "Stop looking at me like that. You're fucking ugly."

"But you love me." Michael stated and Luke realized why he was acting so weird for. "Right?"

Luke looked at the floor as he sucked on his straw, replaying his words in his head and looking through his memories and the times he spent with Michael. Did he love him? Like truly love him? Or did he just say it just to say it because it was in the moment?

Did Michael think it was a big deal?

Luke smiled awkwardly, meeting Michael's glimmering eyes filled with hope. He needed an answer. Luke had an answer.

"Yeah, I guess I do." He replied and Michael nodded as he grabbed Luke's hand. "I do love you, even if you're annoying and make ugly faces."

Michael stepped in front of Luke and the boy stopped walking. "I love you too."

"Did you have to think about it?"

"No, I just had to take a moment and hope you aren't just saying that to say it." Michael shrugged and Luke shook his head.

"I'm not. I'm not that much of a dick." He assured and Michael glanced at the moon that was high in the sky before looking at him. "You're not..."

He only smiled cheekily.

"Michael's you're gay." Luke laughed as the boy grabbed his hips and his jaw. "Kissing on a beach at night? You're fucking queer."

"Gimme a kiss."

Luke rolled his eyes, pushing his hand up against Michael's face when he tried kissing him. "Stop ruining the moment." Michael huffed and Luke rolled his eyes.

"I think I take back my love. I hate you." Luke decided and then wrapped his arms around Michael's neck. "You're stupid."

"Yeah, but you love me." Michael shrugged and Luke pressed his lips against Michael's.

Shivers ran up his spine as the waves crashed higher against his legs, and he wants to blame it but he knew it was from Michael. Every time they kissed it felt like the first time with the chills, the goosebumps, and the pounding of his heart. It felt like magic. Like love.

Michael's teeth bit down on Luke's lip and the teen could feel his senses slipped as he gave into the older boy's advances. Michael just did something to him. From the moment they meant he did something to him.

Fuck him. He's too stupidly perfect.

Luke felt his cup slip from his grip and they pulled away as it fell on to the floor. "Did you just -"

"I dropped it. I forgot I had it." Luke shrugged as he threaded his fingers in Michael's blond hair. "You make me forget about everything around me."

Michael smiled and then kissed Luke's nose before leaning his head on his shoulder. "I like this. I like it when it's just us somewhere quiet." Michael told him and Luke agreed.

"We should head back though. It's really late." Luke sighed and Michael huffed. "By the time we get home, it'll be like three."

"Just a little bit longer?" Michael pleaded and Luke nodded as he wrapped his arms around Michael's waist, hiding his bare arms beneath the denim jacket he wore. "I have another jacket in the car."

"Let's get it and we can stay a little longer." Luke decided and Michael pulled away to pt down his pockets.

"Uh... Luke?"

"What?" He asked as he picked up his cup. "You have the keys, right?"

"I don't. Do you?" Michael asked and Luke shook his head. They turned to the car in the parking lot and then took a deep breath. "Bet they're in the car still."

"You locked your fucking keys in the car?" Luke asked and Michael smiled shyly. "You better hope no one pick pocketed you."

"Guess we have to stay for awhile anyways." He chuckled and Luke rolled his eyes as he began walking towards the car.

Michael was fucking stupid. He's lucky he's cute as hell.

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