Part 9

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Part Nine.

Kellin's POV

"Who was that? She looked familiar" I asked Jesse as he sat back down. He looked at Justin, who nodded in his direction. "Jess, the one who was in the hospital room with us when you woke up" he smiled sadly. I couldn't help but look over at her; she may have looked happy, but something about her showed pain to me. She laughed and her eyes locked onto mine and her smile quickly faltered. I sat there, staring at her, trying to piece together who she was to me. Her beautiful eyes glistened as she attempted a smile towards me, although it looked more like a grimace. I smiled back before turning my attention to my two friends. "Anything?" Justin asked hopefully. I sighed and shook my head; they must all know her, and she clearly knows me. I remember little bits about her, but its just not enough. The thing I remember the most was telling her I loved her, but now she was like a stranger to me. "Could I go talk to her? It might help" I asked. "Wait here" Jesse smiled before he went over to where she was sat. "You sure you want to do this?" Justin asked supportively, to which I just nodded; I feel as if she was the final part of my life that needed piecing together, and I planned on working extra hard to achieve it.

Jess' POV

"Why didn't they sit here?" Mercedes asked me, clearly due to the fact that Kellin and I are in a complicated kind of relationship, if any relationship at all anymore, and the other two were good friends. "Long story, I'd rather not go into it if that's okay" I laughed nervously. They nodded before I noticed Jesse standing beside me. "Oh hey, what's up?" I asked. "Kellin wants to talk to you" he smiled. Had he remembered? "Uh, about what?" He grabbed my arm and I told the two girls I'd be back in a moment before Jesse pulled me somewhere a little more secluded. "He hasn't quite remembered you entirely, but he remembers little bits, and he thinks talking to you might help. I'm saying this because if you don't want to talk to him then that's fine because I can understand how hard his whole situation must be on you, so I'm giving you that option, but yeah" he rambled on. Did I want to talk to Kellin? In one sense, yes I did. But it wouldn't be normal; he doesn't know who I am, and currently I'm practically a stranger to him. It would hurt to talk to the one person I love so much and have them not know me. I made up my mind easily though. "Sure, should I come over or..." My words trailed off as I couldn't quite fathom what to say. "Wait here for two seconds." He left which just made me wonder what I was to Kellin now; I wasn't exactly his girlfriend, he had no real clue as to who I was, were we even friends? I guess not, you have to know someone on someway to be classed as friends. That meant that Kellin and I's relationship was surely over, but I guess that was between the band and I. That really sucks; I've lost the one person I fell for the hardest.

A few minutes later Justin came over to me and embraced me in a hug before saying hello, and before I could reply be bad grabbed my arm and was dragging me outside. "We'll be over there if you need us" he whispered before he walked off towards Jesse, who was sat a little way away across the car park. I turned around and Kellin was stood there, looking at me as if he were trying to figure me out. He shook his expression off before replacing it with a smile. "Hey" he said a little meekly; I could already feel awkward tension between us. "Uh, hey Kellin. How're you?" I replied, my voice a bit shaky and cautious. "Not too bad I guess with the situation, but uh, how're you?" I wasn't sure entirely sure how to answer. I was okay I guess, but I felt alone, but I guess I deserved that for bringing this onto Kellin. "Okay" I replied. He nodded and looked around nervously. My gaze wondered over to Jesse and Justin, and they flashed me a smile which made me feel a little more confident. "Can I ask you something?" His attention was back at me, and he gave me a look, telling me to continue. "How much do you, like, remember of me?" He looked taken aback by my question before a look of deep thought took over his beautiful face. "I know your name is Jess, and that you were there when the, uh, incident happened, but apart from that, well, yeah. I'm really sorry." I nodded simply; he knew my name and that I watched as he got hurt. I stared at the ground until I felt a hand on my shoulder which caused me to look up. "Really I am sorry, but it's only a matter of time, right? I mean, I have this nightmare, of the incident, and this will be a bit awkward telling you but the nightmare is basically the memory of that day, and I always tell you I love you. When I remember you, which I really hope I do soon, then I will find you. I'm sorry I don't really know you now, but all I'm asking from you is to wait. I understand if that's too much to ask, but I don't potentially want to lose you, even if I'm not entirely sure who you are right now. Can you do that for me?" he pleaded with a soft voice. His words were music to my ears. "Of course I can Kells, I'd do anything for you" I smiled lightly. He instantly pulled me into a hug, and I wasted no time in hugging back. I had missed this, I missed his hugs, his voice, and missed him in general. "Thank you" he whispered in my ear. "Don't mention it."

Kellin's POV

I was now extra determined to remember this girl that was willing to do anything for me. Even though Jesse and Justin pulled us away because her friends were coming out, I just wanted to stay around her and piece her together, and bring her back into my life. "So, did the talk help?" Justin smiled whilst Jesse began driving to wherever it was we were going now. "Well, in all honesty I think it helped her more than me, but yeah, a bit" I replied with a smile. He nodded before turning to face the front again, leaving me to go back to my thoughts.

I was dropped off at mine only to find Vic and Tony sat outside mine. "Kellin!" Vic grinned as he stood up, shortly followed by Tony. "Hey Vic" I replied as they approached me. "You remember Tony, right?" he asked cautiously. "Of course, how're you turtle?" He smiled at me before nodding. "I'm good thanks. And you, you're okay?" "Yeah, I think" I laughed. "So, where were you?" Vic asked curiously. "Well, Jesse and Justin picked me up and we went to a coffee shop and saw, uh, Jess." "You saw Jess? Did you talk to her?" I nodded, but I wasn't sure what to say, but clearly Vic wanted to know more about the situation. "And?" "I apologised for not knowing all that much about her anymore, and I asked her to wait for me, because its only a matter of time" I muttered. "Okay, fair enough. Anyway, we thought we'd come and hang out?" "Sure, lets go inside" I smiled before leading them into my apartment.

"Who's Tony being social with?" I laughed as we sat around my living room. "He got a girlfriend" Vic teased, poking at his sides. "Oh, turtle got a girlfriend! What's her name?" "Mercedes. He met her quite recently" he laughed back at me. "Can we not do this now" Tony whined childishly and shyly. "Aw, is turtle embarrassed" I teased. A blush formed on his cheeks which made Vic and I laugh. "Anyway, what do you want to do?" I asked the two Mexicans sat in my apartment. "I don't know, we just wanted to come and see how you are and stuff" Vic smiled. "Okay, how about a day of movies?" I suggested, and Vic and Tonys faces lit up with excitement. "Okay, I'll take that as a yes. I'll let you guys pick, movies are over there" I laughed as I pointed to my pile of films. "This'll be fun, I think" I whispered to myself.


Guys, I dyed my hair bright colours!!
Listening to; Badly Broken by Get Scared

Who Are You Now? (Sequel to Infte)(Kellin Quinn) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now