Cold Hearts

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(Y/N's POV)

He left me there in the dark...alone, it felt like days since he left me in here. But I know it had only been hours. Benicio had sent people down to give me food, but I refused to take anything he had to give me. I now knew it was gonna be hard for me to trust anybody...even that certain former member of my mob that I'm secretly wanting to kill now. All of my dreams are falling apart at the seams, did I even need Benicio to help me achieve my dreams? All I needed were the people of my mob they were true to me, they helped me egt through anything and everything. I truly love them, they are all I need right now. I sighed softly letting my thoughts consume me, I closed my eyes and started humming the lyrics of F/S(Favorite Song). At that moment I felt a moment of peace with myself, I felt as if I had a purpose with someone.

But I was quickly brought out of my thoughts as the basement door opened and the lights were turned on, I closed my eyes tightly thinking it was Benicio. "Go away Benicio." I said in a monotoned voice "Um...Y/N I'm not Benicio." I snapped my eyes open and smiled brightly. It was Alex! I got up from off of the floor and ran towards him giving him a giant hug, I saw a viaible blush on his face "Oh Alex am I glad to see you!" I said as a wave of excitement rushed over me "Y/N, we've got to talk." My smile slowly disappeared into a frown "You aren't about to nag me about what happened a few hours ago are you?" I said pulling away from Alex "Y/N...I know you didn't do it, I know Vinny's behind it all!" Alex said, bringing the smile back to my face "Then why didnt you say anything when they knocked me out!!?" I yelled at Alex annoyed that I might have been stucked in this hell hole for nothing

"Calm down now Y/N." Alex told me nervously laughing "Alex, just get to the point of why your down here." I told him tired of waiting "Here." Alex said as he pulled out a small handgun from his pocket and gave it to me "Use this to get out, Benicio's got a couple of guards standing outside the door." I looked at him grinning widely "Thanks Alex." I told him while placing a small kiss on his cheek, I saw him blush darkly "You better get going then...and tell the rest of the mob..."To be ready when I come"." Alex nodded his head towards me and walked out of the basement "Benicio...lets see how you like this."

😈😈Time Skip😈😈

(Vinny's POV)

It worked!! It really worked!! I cant believe it, everyone fell for it. Now I wont have to worry about Clyde anymore, and Benicio I never knew he would go so far and lock Y/N in a basement. "Those bastards." I said to myself while chuckling "They never knew what hit 'em. I said as I heard a knock at the door of my room "Who is it?" I said wanting to know who was behind the door "Alex!" He said from the other side of the door, I opened it "What do you want Alex?" He looked at me and put a small smile on his face "I was wondering if you wanted to go out for some sandwiches?" I thought about for a few seconds and then decided it wouldn't hurt to go get some "What kind of sandwiches?" I asked, I noticed Alex's smile grew more sinister "How about...some Knuckle sandwiches?!!"

He said as he punched me, I fell to the floor unconscious. The last thing i heard him saw was: "That's what you get for messin' with us Vinny." Alex said as I felt him drag my unconscious being someplace I was unaware of.

(Alex POV!!)(About time eh?!)

After I had knocked Vinny out I had began to drag his body down to the basement, hoping no one would see me in the process. When I got back to the basement the two guards were either dead or knocked out cold, I didnt bother checking. As I dragged Vinny into the basement, I looked around for some rope. Soon finding some along with some tape,I began to tie Vinny's hands and ankles together. Soon followed by me putting the tale over his mouth so he would make a sound, when i finished with him I walked out of the basement. "I have to go find Y/N." I said to myself. "But first I've got to know if the rest of the crew is aware with what is going on!" And as soon as I said that Richard came running towards me "Speaking of the devil."

I said grinning "Hey Alex! What's going on?!!" Richard practically screamed in my ear "Well Y/N's getting revenge on the demon." Richard looked at me understanding what I was saying "Alright, so wheres the rest of the crew Richard?" He motioned me to follow him, we went down the stair case and ended up in what seemed to be the living room. "Here they are." Richard said as I spotted Y/N sitting on the couch with her head burried in her hands "Are you okay Y/N?" I asked her, small beads of ink were slowly making thier way down her soft S/C(Skin Color)skin "He's going to the basement." She said the ink pouring down her face faster almost covering her eyes "Who is?!" I asked "The traitor." She said as began to walk towards the basement with the gun in her right hand.

(Benicio's POV)

I feel so terrible for what I've put Y/N and her crew through these last few hours! I finally found out what really happened to Clyde, Vinny stole some of Y/N's clothes and went and took the half of Clyde's shipment! I also found out that Clyde had offered him half of the shipment when he got it, so in the end Vinny has both shipments. That sneaky son of a gun, I can't deal with him now though ive got to get down to the basement and tell Y/N!!

😈😈Another Time skip😈😈

As I got down to the basement I took a deep breath and put my hand on the door knob and turned it, the door opened to reveal Vinny tied up by his ankles and hands with tape covering his mouth. He was squirming trying to get out of the rope keeping him bounded. I walked into the basement to see that the small window was opened "So that's must've been how she got out." I said to myself, but my emotions quickly changed as I laid eyes on the person who caused all of the problems here now: Vinny. "So how does it feel now that you've completed what you wanted done Vinny? got you nowhere." I said anger slowly building up inside of me. When he tried to speak muffled noises came out "What? I can't hear you!" I said as I ripped the tape off of his mouth. "Would ya mind saying that for me again?"

He looked at me but said nothing "It's alright you sont have to talk, I have ways of handling people who like to get in my way." I said as I began to repeatidly punch him over and over until all of my anger subsided. My once white gloves now stained with his blood, I didn't kill him though...he's not worth my time. As I was about to leave the basement I turned around and was greeted with Y/N and her crew pointing guns at me

(Y/N's POV)

"Toots, just tell your crew to put their guns down and then we can-" I interuppted Benicio with venom in every word I said "Your small talk won't work on me anymore Benicio." He was about to open his mouth to speak, but interrupted him again "So many people broke my heart broke my you know how bad it felt when you did it!!?" Benicio stood there frozen, thinking about everything I spoke "And now I feel....cold a dead tree in the winter, there's nothing growing on it....there's no growing emotion I feel for you anymore!!" Benicio had started walking towards me but Alex stopped him "You better stay away from her Benicio!" Alex said as he cocked his gun

Benicio began to get frustrated but he did as Alex told him "I'll never be the same again, and now I need something to replace those feelings you took from me." My cold lifeless eyes looked into his warmer ones, I lowered my gun and so did the rest of my crew "Tie 'em up Alex." I told him and he obeyed, he used the leftover rope he had used on Vinny to tie his hands together "Alex, dont tie his ankles together...I want him to walk." Alex nodded his head and put the rope away, the whole time Benicio didn't even try to resist "Ya know toots...I deserve everything your about to do to me...but just know this...I'll always love you." Benicio said but it didn't affect me in any way. "Cut the bullcrap Benicio, I dont want to hear anymore of your sweet talk!"

Benicio looked at me and smirked "I'm just telling you the honest truth sweetheart~" He was really starting to irritate me "Hey guys?" I said specifically towards my crew "What is it Y/N?" Richard asked me "How 'bout we leave Toon Town for awhile and take a "Vacation"?" I asked them "But we've got nowhere to go." I started to laugh like I had lost my mind....but I did long ago, I was just waiting for everything to catch up. "We've always got some place to should know that Richard." I could see the confused look on Benicio's face....

"He's gonna be glad to see us home~"

WHOA!!! I updated this chapter faster! Buy I hoped you like it!! I've got nothing else to see you next time I guess....I'm gonna go and work on the next chapter okay? Goodbye!!😃😄

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