Breaking Old Connections And Making New Ones

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"Let's go find Y/N." I said as I took a step forward but as soon as I did that a bullet was shot at my leg, but luckily who ever shot it missed. I quickly turned around to see that it was Y/N? But something was wrong with her, she walked towards me and pointed the gun she had in ger hand at my head. "Y-Y/N...what did Joey do to you?" I asked her as she cocked the gun. "Joey..made me better...and he sent me out to do a very important job for him...and that's to kill you." Y/N laughed like an insane women when she said that, I was about to speak but she interrupted me.

"I know you won't go down with out a let's get started shall we?"

(Benicio's POV)

"Y-Y/N, what are you talking about?! I'm not fighting you!" I yelled out in shock and disbelief as I took a few steps back but she just followed me as she stepped forward. "Well you just made it easier love!" Y/N said with a twisted smile on her face. "Y/N! Stop!" I barked at her as I gripped her wrist tightly, bringing the gun down from my head as I started to drip ink. "Oh well look at that...are you getting mad?" She said in a tauting voice as she wiped some of the ink from my face with her free hand. "I can get mad to you know." She said in a more serious tone as she dropped the gun and stepped away from me, I simply looked at her confused. "What are you doing?" I asked her as I saw her sking start to turn to ink? "I told you already...Joey has made me better...I can control between being a full on toon and human at's pretty unique if I do say so myself."

Y/N said as she started to change completely, I watched as ink rapidly started to drip from her body covering her whole. She stopped moving, I looked behind me to see Boris, Charlie, Alex, Richard and Abel watching intently. I would assume the rest of the convicts went off, while my once imprisoned mob members went to that secret location not even Boris knew about. Y/N stood still for a few more seconds until she slowly brought her hands up to her face and wiped the ink away to reveal a pale face, my eyes instantly widened at the sight of this. She continued to removed the thick ink from her body as she let the rest of it flow down. I hesitantly started to step towards her, I saw an object start to form in her hand from the ink but I didn't let that stop me.

I continued to step forward until I felt some kind of dark feeling emmiting from her...but I also felt a depressing one. "Y/N." I called out to her as I finally saw the object that was forming in her hands it was an axe that she had completely formed out of the ink herself. I was amazed at this because even I couldn't do this, I stopped walking towards her as I started to take in the image of her body. "Are ya gonna 'whack' her Benicio?" Boris asked me in a serious tone. I instantly made a small jump and turned around and looked at him. "No! She's my girlfriend! I wouldn't do it." I said back to him in a serious and suprised tone because of his question, I then turned back around to see that Y/N was still just standing there. I reached my hand out to touch her pale face but she quickly slapped it away and raised the axe up high over her head, I looked up at the axe and then at her face.

She quickly brought the axe down but I jumped backwards resulting me to fall to the ground. The axe was now stuck in the ground as Y/N had tried to pull it up, she was making small ferocious grunts as she did so. I quickly got up and then pushed her away from the axe and easily pulled it from the ground, Y/N looked up at me and then started charging towards me forming another weapon in her hands. I quickly jumped out of her way again still with the axe in my hands, I didn't want to hurt her but I also didn't want to get hurt in anyway. I gripped the axe tighter in my hands as I saw the object that was forming in her hand become a machete, ink started to drip down my face more quickly now as she started running towards me again.

"Y/N stop!!" I yelled out as I raised the axe up, and stared deep into her eyes. I could see the sadness in them, I couldn't bring myself to do anything to her. That didn't stop her though, she kept running towards me and swung the blade in one swift motion and put a deep cut into my stomach. I fell backwards and gripped the deeply cut wouns on my stomach, I could see Boris pulling out a gun from the corner of my eye. I decided not to say anything because I knew it was going to be needed. I quickly stood back up holding the my hand over the wound as blood slowly spilled out of it, Y/N had started running towards me again. I let my bloodied hand that was covering dropped to my side as I clenched both of my hands into fist and gritted my teeth together as ink dripped from my face and covered my eyes.

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