Chapter 19~ The Green Eyed Monster

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A/n: Hey, so I don't know if you've noticed but my updating schedule is literally non existent right now, so I've decided to update on a Wednesday and a Sunday, giving me the chance to write more and work on it for longer instead of being up at 3am trying to desperately type stuff down to publish for you.

I'm not entirely sure where this is going, but it's the same with life, and I'll just have to carry on until I find my place in the world. If I have one.

Christ, that got deep.

Before I fall into the ever deepening void of tears and pain that is my thoughts, let's get the hell on with it.

This chapter will basically be from Dan's point of view, but still in the 3rd person. I ain't about that 1st person life.

About like some point that evening idk

Dan put his key in the door and turned it slightly until the door opened.

After a long day ( you'll find out more about that later) , he was tired, so he went to sit in the living room.

He twisted the handle, pushing it open.

On the sofa lay Phil and - he guessed - Matt, covered up in blankets with blushes marking their cheeks.

Oh God  Dan thought, backing out of the door and going into the kitchen.

He couldn't stop himself.

"Get a room!" He yelled, laughing.

Such a cliché, but so worth it.

As he grabbed a glass of Ribena, he heard the sound of muffled conversation and hurried footsteps.

He sat and waited in the kitchen.

Strangely, he felt himself experiencing jealousy.

He rolled his eyes at himself.

There was no point in dwelling on the past.

Sighing, he replaced the Ribena with a glass of wine.

I need this, after the day I've had.

Earlier that day (when Mil were out)

A/n: This is a flashback by the way, in case you hadn't guessed.

Dan sat on Emma's couch/ sofa thingy, arm around her shoulders.

They sat snuggled up together watching Netflix, for a while before Dan's phone pinged.

As the notification came up, a frown grew on Emma's face.

"What's wrong?" He asked her, seeing her face.

"That stupid flatmate of yours. He never seems to leave you alone. It's annoying."

"Emma, that 'stupid flatmate' is my best friend."

"You don't need a best friend. You have me."

"You don't get to make that choice."

"You want to make the choices,  Dan? Here's a choice for you. Either you forget about that idiot, and stay with me, or you stay with your 'best friend' and  you lose me. Your decision."


He stood up, grabbed his coat and a slice of pizza (A/n: ofc) and left.

Left the room, left the house, left her.

A/n:  500 words again this time as I've been away half the week and feel ugh because of it. I'm working on Wednesday's chapter now so it shouldn't be terrible unless there's some sort of crisis in my life, which, of course, there always  is. See ya!

Awesome nerds:


Oof there's a lot of you all of a sudden.
Luv you all xx


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