Periods are so much fun... (Oneshot)

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Idea: What if Dwarves had a tradition where the male of the relationship takes care of and sleep along side their partner while she's on her period, and Thorin deems himself the one who will do it for you, but some of the Dwarves force Bilbo to do it as well, because they're on Team Bilbo, and you have no idea and remain obvious to the tradition the whole time, but go along with it.

Ok, you've been through this before... just not here... in Middle Earth...

And just maybe this would have been fine... if not for the raging blood that was now all over your bed roll and (probably) staining the back of your, already raggedy, pants.

It was still really early in the morning, so no one was awake and surprisingly, Bofur, who was keeping watch for the night, was asleep too. So, without hesitation, you snuck off into the forest, forgetting Faer Blade in your haste, and trying to find some form of water, in order to try and clean off the blood that was all over you and your clothes.

Why did the heavy one have to rear it's ugly head here, of all places?!


When it was time for everyone to wake up and after they began packing up, the Dwarves where met with a frightening sight.

Your bedroll was wide open, but you weren't there, only a large puddle of blood stained where you were supposed to be, and your sword lay abandoned next to it.

No one really knew what to do at that second. Bilbo had all but passed out right then and there at the sight of all the blood and the thought of it belonging to you.

Thorin on the other hand, although panicked, went running into the woods shouting your name, in hopes that you were still breathing.

Seeing their king's example, they all ran off into the woods as well, shouting out your name, and in some cases, screaming.

None of them seemed to have remembered Bilbo, who had passed out, and none of them seemed to care, all of them were to busy worrying about their tall (and strange) companion.

They searched for, what seemed to be, hours. Uprooting rocks and turning over every leaf, and some, not naming any names... Fili and Kili, tried to uproot a giant boulder, thinking you could be under it for some reason or another.

Everyone had spread out to cover more ground, and it was Oin who found you, sitting in a stream, pants in hand, trying to scrum something off of them, along with something else that he couldn't see, but he could see the red tint that made itself down the flowing stream.

"(Y/n)! Are yah' alright lass?" Oin asked...well, more like shouted, standing at the edge of the water, about to wade out to you to see how bad the injury was.

This caused you to almost drop your pants in fright, not expecting someone to come across you while you were having this embarrassing moment.

Just as he stepped into the water, you shook your head rapidly, your face not seeming to be able to decide if it wanted to go beet red in embarrassment, or paper white with fright. "Oin!... um... don't- don't come in here, just stay there-! Actually, just go back to camp! I'll- I'll be back in a little bit. I didn't realize I was taking so long!" You quickly sputtered out, unable to get a proper sentence out in your state of being. This was almost beyond embarrassing.

"Don't be daft lass! Come out of there and let me see your wound, so I can fix it!-" Oin began, but was interrupted by a dwarf who came barreling out of the trees beside him. "Ah, Bombur! Go tell the others that I found her! Quickly!"

Short Affections (Thorin x Reader x Bilbo) Book 2 of 3Where stories live. Discover now