Chapter Two

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Dance Monster enters his parent's house. Kim Namjoon was in his bedroom, studying with his best friend, Kim Seokjin.

"Hello, honey!" exclaimed the mother. "How were auditions today?"

"Horrible-ish," answered DM, who took a piece of sandwich form his mother's plate.

I guess you can have my sandwich....without asking me the mother thought.

"What happened?" questioned the mother.

"I don't want to talk about it," responded DM.

"Okay," says the mother. The mother continue to cook dinner.

Knock knock.

"Enter," says Namjoon. It was the twin brother of Kim Sung Min, Dance Monster.
"What are you doing?" asked Sungmin.
"Studying for finals," answered Namjoon. "How did finding members go?"
"Not talking about it," replied Sungmin.
"Excuse me," said Kim Seokjin. Sungmin moved out of the way.
"Oh! Jin,  Sungmin, Sungmin, Jin," explained Namjoom. "Sungmin is my twin brother. Jin is my friend."
"Nice to meet you," said Jin.
"O-oh, it is n-nic-nice to me-meet yo-you," stammered Sungmin. "To-too. I have to go." Sungmin rushed out of Namjoon's room and went his room.
Kim Sungmin! What is wrong with you? Why were you nervous? Jin? I don't understand? I was stammering! Get your mind on the papers then you will forget about this 'Jin'. You have to get this done due tomorrow morning at 10:00, sharp. And you have to call the people  about if they made it or not. Kim Sungmin thought.

He first reads the first page, it was Kim Taehyung's page.

I am Kim Taehyung. I am seventeen years old. I was born on December 30th, 1995. I live with my grandma for fifteen years. We both live on a farm, her farm, to be exact. I went to school, like every normal kid in South Korea. But, I got bullied for no reason. I remember, walking on home, crying because to the bullies. That was my childhood. Right now, I am currently playing the saxophonist for the hyungs  at the seniors center. Also, my friends and I do go to school to school and play for the children.

Phone number: 734-286-0976

Sungmin was shocked about how positive Kim Taehyung was when he was auditioning. Sungmin remember that he was smiling and has tears of joy during the auditions. He does wonder about Kim Taehyung's parents. Sungmin got the other paper. That paper was Jeon Jungkook's.


I am Jeon Jungkook. I am fifteen years old. I was born on September 1st 1997. Since, I heard that you will be an artist. I knew that I just had to be apart of your band or crew. I practice very hard. I can dance and sing. I prefer to sing than to dance. I have more control when I am singing than I am dancing. I never saw anyone so cool and amazing! I took singing lesson from my music teacher, after school, on every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. I practice dancing by watching videos online.

Phone Number: 734-565-2873

Sungmin rolled his eyes.
That little boy can dance and sing?!?! Surprisingly, he can dance, sing, and write. What else he can do, Rap? And many managers and agents want him! Not me! I didn't have a lot of managers following me around. Oh, please, that little, weak boy! A manager wants that....thing!
He throws the paper on his bed.

But, what....if he is so talented and I am working with him....A big, evil smirk grew on Kim Sungmin's face. He quickly grabs the letter that Jeon Jungkook give him and puts it next to him. He grabs Min Yoongi's note.

I am Min Yoongi. I am twenty years old. I was born on March 9, 1993. When I was ten years old, I had a passion to write music. My family didn't want me to write music. They wanted me to study more and become a person who get money. They throw up my music work when I wasn't there. I ended up finding them. Then, sadly, my family was poor. I was selling my music work for ten cents on the street. Not a lot of people brought the music work. A lady helped us to a normal lives. I record my music work at a young age. But, the managers didn't believe me. Anyways, right now, I live in an apartment by myself, since my family didn't believe in me about my music.

Phone Number: 734-548-2971


My name is Park Jimin. I am seventeen years old. I was born on October 13, 1995.Kim Taehyung and I are very good friends. We went to the same school, Busan High School. If I wasn't a Kpop member or a Kpop solo artist. I would be a police officer. I have written a song called Lie. I wrote the song. I didn't sing the note during the audition. I went to Busan University, for college. One more year until I graduate.

Phone Number: 734-502-7953

Wrote a song? Hmm.... Kim Sungmin thought. Okay...
Sungmin got Jung Hoseok's paper.


I am Jung Hoseok. I am nineteen years old. I was born on February 18, 1994. I used to dance in front of others, when I was younger. I can rap and dance. Singing isn't really my special skill. My loved ones  calls me Sunshine, due to my smile and happiness. I used be apart of a street dance team: NEURON.

Phone Number: 734-948-2739

"Sungmin, it is time for dinner," said Namjoon.
"Thanks," said Sungmin. "Is Jin still here?"
"Yeah, he is staying for the night," explained Namjoom. The brothers went downstairs.

Author Notes: Hello! *smiles and waves*. To be honest, I hate Kim Sungmin, aka Dance Monster so much. Do you hate him or you think he is an okay person? I hope you like the book so far! ❤️

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