Point 1

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EDITED- Twice// Dear GOSH I had edited this so much it's insane

Bold = Speaking in English

No blold (how the heck do I put this) = Speaking in Japanese

Disclaimer: I write the main character (Which is you) as a girl. Don't like it, don't read


   It was so hard for him. It really was. Leaving Japan, leaving his own shadow, leaving his home. He knew it was going to be worth it though. His dream to become a NBA player was finally coming onto the road, but at what cost..?

The last conversation he had with his partner, he promised that he wouldn't give up playing basketball and would continue with his recklessness. It was rough for him to keep that promise at bay though.

   Kagami Taiga landed in America, only to have cramps everywhere in his body. He was cramped into the middle seat of the plane, and it wasn't pleasant to say the least. He couldn't move at all when on the riding on the plane without bumping into the strangers beside him.

   "Ugh, this is such a pain." He muttered cracking his neck, as others start to stand, and take their luggage off of the luggage bean. The dark red-haired teenager stood up on his feet, only to get a really bad cramp on both of them.

   "Dammit.." Taiga looks at his feet. He moves them around for a little bit before, getting out of the tight space, and started to take out his smaller bags like others. The bigger luggages where already in the airport. The line to get of the off of the flying vehicle was long, plus it was going very slowly. Kagami was an impatient man, so to pass the annoying time, he put on his headphones and blasted music in his ears.

After an a pain in the butt wait, he finally reached the end of the line. He didn't even bother responding to the flight attendants when they said bid him farewell, doing the same for the other people. While the red-head was departing, he could faintly hear voices echoing through the walls of the airport. It was exactly the same when the last time he went here..right?

   The red eyed teenager walked to the "Luggage Claim" and waited for his bags to come out. After waiting for awhile he cheers through he's headphones. He simply glanced over his shoulder to get a look. Also lowering down his headphone volume down. What he saw was a group of teenagers, that looked about his age, doing a group hug together.

"What made you so late hah?" One the guys said. "You made us wait forever!"

"Haha! It was his idea!" Another one pointed at another friend. "He wanted to see the look on your face when we came in late!"

"Well you've done it now!!" One hooked their friend into a headlock.



That's all Kagami heard, before putting putting his music back on high volume. Those guys interaction seemed familiar to him. It kinda reminds him of them. The Generation Of Miracl- wait, why was he thinking of them now!? Kagami shook his head sideways at a fast pace. There was no time to be think of them now!

At that moment his luggage came out. Taiga took his luggage out, and made his way to the exit. As soon as Taiga was out, the bright sun rays hit him hard in the eyes. He staggered backwards little, raising up an arm to cover his eyes. He scowled at the sun, even though it was pretty stupid to be angry at the sun.

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