Point 4

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"Hey!" You chirped. Then bowed. "My name is [F/n] [L/n] it's nice to meet you Kagami Taiga!"

   You mentally slapped yourself when you awfully enthusiastically addressed one of the Generation of Miracles from Japan. When facing the floor for bowing, you screw your eyes tightly, then quietly curse as your nerves. Standing up right, you see to what he has to say.

"Y-yeah. I-it's nice to meet you too..." The teen greets then looks away bashfully. A hand coming up to his neck to rub it. "Kagami Taiga." He states simply.

You quirk up an eyebrow, an amusing smile appearing. His accent is pretty similar to Alex's one. He definitely is seeming like her son so far. Noticing that he isn't going to speak anytime soon, you took the time to take in his looks.

It was exactly what the picture was like in the magazine.

Your [E/c] travel to his body. He's that muscular, and still in high school?? What does he do? Exercise everyday?? Oh second thought, he does have to exercise to maintain his body for basketball. You mentally slap yourself again for stupidity this time.

Examining more closely, you also see that he was very tall. Basically towering over you. You would think that he imitates you, but he kinda looks like a puppy at this point.

He has two-toned dark red and black hair. His eyes are red eyes, pointed, and narrow. His eyebrows..are quite..unique. They're thick and split in two. Like..an red sliced apple? You had to bit your tongue to keep your mouth shut.

Unaware to you, you were slowly leaning into him. He obviously noticed this when he felt eyes on him. Turning he saw you, staring intently at him. He didn't know what to do, since, he doesn't even talk to other girls. Besides his coach, teacher, and manager of another team.

   He just stared back you, with an slightly uncomfortable expression. That is until a hand slaps the back of you. You fly forward, and Kagami just barely dogged you by side stepping. You put your arms out, trying to stop the momentum of the hand that just have you. Luckily you did stop.

"[Y/n]! You shouldn't be staring at him! It's rude!!" A cheerful, mocky voice declared, almost proudly. You roll your eyes, putting your arms back down to your sides.

   "Ha. Ha. Very funny [2/BF/N]." You sigh, turning around back to them. You crossed your arms.

"Aw, come on! [Y/n] I'm just joking!" [2/BF/N] giggles.

[2/BF/N] is the joker of the group. They're a ray of sunshine that pops out of no where. Always has a grin on her face. It's always hard to not at least smile when they're around.

   For a weird reason, their persona changes completely when their eyes land on the imitating teen next to them. They squeaked, "Oh my chris— your huge as hel—"

A fist came in and hit the top of their head. [2/BF/N] groaned, lifting up their hands to rub their head.

"What the heck?" They whined, rubbing their head to let the pain slid. They turned to the person behind them. "[1/BF/N], why do you do this to me..?"

"Cause you're being rude." [1/BF/N] put it bluntly. They turned to the male teen. Putting a single hand on [2/BF/N] head, forcing them to bow. Soon they both were bowing. "I'm sorry for their behavior. They apparently don't know how to respect someone, and keep their opinions to themselves."

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