Chicken run 🐓🐔

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Granny p.o.v
I chuckle to myself. Hannah thinks she's so smart,falling down the stairs to get away. She should know I can get to her anywhere.
Hannah p.o.v
I pace around the small room behind the tunnel. The only room where granny can't get me. "So Angel how do we get,to the attic without granny noticing",I ask Angel who is sitting on the table. Angel just shrugs. I take a deep breath but regret it. My rib hurts so badly.
"You might have to chicken run it",Angel says. "Chicken run?",I ask.
"Well it's when you just run as fast as you can",Angel said with a smirk. I just nod. "It's seems like our only chance",I say. "Well i'll see you there",Angel replies and disappears. I sigh and put the hammer away In my shirt. "Well here goes nothing",I say. I come out of the tunnel. I immediately go to the basement stairs. "1,2,3, GO",I scream and run up the basement stairs. I don't stop ,and run up the stairs to the second floor. But as soon as I hit the second floor i hear a snap. I scream in pain and look down. I see my right ankle is trapped in a bear trap. I say a line of curse words and try to get the trap off my leg. I hear a creak and look up. Granny is standing above me with a bat with nails in it raised. "Goodnight Hannah",Granny says and hits me in the head. I black out.
I wake up in the original bedroom. I sigh in frustration and walk to the door. But it's locked. I then bang on the door. I wait and 6 minutes later granny unlocks the door. "Good morning Hannah. It's good to see you awake",Granny says. I put on a fake smile and nod. "I know we had a rough first day, but let's make it up over breakfast",Granny says.
I am practically shaking in fear,but manage to say "ok".
"Follow me",Granny says and walks out the door. "Wait granny I have to go to the bathroom",i say. "Fine i'll wait for you downstairs you have 5 minutes",Granny says and walks down stairs. As soon as she is out of sight,I make a run for the attic.
I open the door and run up the stairs. I hit the attic floor and look around. Angel is nowhere in sight. I make sure the hammer is still where I put it and it is. "Well let's get to planning"I say.

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