Grandpas explains

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Hannah p.o.v
I sat there in shock. "I have to speak to Brandon",I whisper to myself. The door to the bedroom was thrown open. "Good morning Hannah. we have a day of chores ahead of us",Granny said.  "I'll be glad to help granny",I say and quickly hide the items in my pockets. "Good. First off You need to set the table. Breakfest is already ready",Granny says.
I quickly go downstairs and set the table. Granny puts a pan of black circles on the table. She then drags grandpa in and puts him in his place. I also take my place. Granny fixes our plates and sits. "Oh I forgot the water. I'll be right back",Granny says and leaves the table. "Don't eat the food. It stunts your movement." Grandpa says. "What do I do with it",I ask. Grandpa quickly takes the food off my plate and eats it. Granny comes back with a pitcher of murky water. "Why Hannah you ate so quickly",Granny says with a grin. I only nod. Granny and grandpa both starts to eat. I sit looking at my toes. I feel something tap my leg. I look at my leg. There's a piece of paper and a pen. I look at grandpa he points at the paper. I unfold the paper and read,
Ask if you can clean my room
I look up at grandpa. I shudder but write okay and pass it back.
After grandpa is taken back to his room I ask granny if I can organize his room. "That's a great idea Hannah. You have till lunch",Granny says. I go up to grandpas room. "Hannah sit we need to speak",he gasps and pats the night stand. I perch on the nightstand.
"Your Brandon"I whisper. He nods. "Why haven't you gotten away",I ask. "What's the point Gracies gone.",he says and stares into my eyes. "I'm gonna get you out of here"I say to him. He looks ready to cry. He reaches under his pillow and pulls out a leather book. "This is Alice's diary. She lasted 9 days."Brandon gasped. I only nod my head. "Granny took her out to the guilotean and sliced her head off",Grandpa said. "Why would she take all those kids",I ask. "That's for you to find out",Grandpa said. I take out the wedding bands and show them to Brandon. He has tears in his eyes. "Me and Gracie ran away and married each other. We were young and crazy",Bradon said and gave a laugh. "Here take this",Brandon said and gave me a battery. "You have the two keys. The wire cutters and the code",Brandon said. I nod. "HANNAH WE NEED TO TALK",Granny yelled from upstairs. "I will talk to you soon. Thank you",I say and leave the room.
I then head to the living room to talk to granny.

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