Chapter Nine: Utilize

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A/n: Thank you dear readers for over 14K reads and 300+ votes! Special Shout Outs will have to be published in the next chapter because there's a lot of names and I want to make sure I don't miss anybody. I hope this chapter meets and exceeds your expectations!

Also, I need requests for a new book I've started. So if you like Sly Cooper, please check it out.

Happy reading~

Your P.O.V.

OK. I'm okay. I just have to stay calm and hold still. Freaking out won't solve anything.

It's really not that bad. I'm not being smothered by people or getting chased anymore.

I think I could touch the sky if I still had hands.



How long have I been up here?

*yawn* Nooo-ooo, I dropped the sword!

It fell straight down, and nearly stabbed somebody. That person shrieked like a banshee and fell backwards. Oh wait- that's Murphy. HA!

It's kinda easy to tell it was him because he's so fat- looking like a roly poly among a crowd of ants. That's just how... high up I am....

I think I'm gonna be sick.


How long are they gonna just stand around and stare up at me?! Are they watching to see how long I can stay up here until I fall? WHAT DID I EVER DO TO DESERVE THIS?!


Third Person

Levi was relived to finally be out from the dungeons. It was dark, and beyond dirty. So filthy, that cleaning it would be impossible. Next to the entirety of the Underground, the dungeon was the dirtiest place in existence. The titan brat could rot in there for eternity for all he cared.

Levi glanced over to where Erwin was, still glancing up at that one horse- who by some miracle had not fallen yet. In fact, everybody was staring up at that one horse. What a waste of time. "Oi, everyone go about your business!" He ordered.

"Uh, but what about that one horse, sir?" Some random soldier questioned.

"That's not your problem to worry about. AND DON'T QUESTION YOUR SUPERIOR!"

With that, everyone saluted and promptly left the scene- save for Hanji, and Erwin.

The horse had started to neigh loudly once more, and it made Levi's eyebrow twitch. "Tch. So, what's the plan? It's obvious that (stallion/mare) is too stubborn to fall and it'll scream all night if we just leave it"

"But shorty, I thought you had insomnia." Said Hanji. "And on average, you sleep about three hours each night!" She added.

Levi flinched and an expression of angry disbelief crossed his features. His pupils dilated and he thrust an accusatory finger into Hanji's face (or, at least he tried to because he was a few centimeters too short). "How long have you been stalking me, you creep?!"

Overhearing this, Erwin finally tore has gaze back from up where the horse was, and glanced at Levi in shock. His gargantuan eyebrows disappeared into his hair line.


"Oi! You know dang well of my past and how much paperwork I get! Why else do you think I always drink tea and black coffee?"

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