Chapter Fourteen: Reunite

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Recap: You are currently falling through the sky with an unconscious Eren. 

Your plan was to bounce off the ground with your new super-jump ability, and then to keep bouncing until you come to a safe landing. 

But as you were approaching the ground at a rapid pace, the Female Titan spawned! She jumped into the air, and you met in the middle. You were NOT ready for that jump-scare! 

Though you were shocked, you fortunately remembered not to drop Eren- whom you were holding by one of his gear straps in your mouth. Dang, you miss having hands!


Before you could finish ranting, Annie caught you in her hands, and then she landed hard on the ground- making the earth shake whilst scaring all the birds out of the trees. 

You clenched your jaw as hard as you could, but Annie effortlessly plucked Eren out from your grasp. Then her grip around you tightened tenfold and you gasped in pain. 

All you could do was stare up into her cold, murderous, eyes. For a second there, you thought she was actually going to kill you! Instead, Annie brought her arm back, and yeeted you as far as she could! 

Satisfied with getting rid of the pest that prevented her from killing Squad Levi (and who also stomped and rolled all over her in chapter five), Annie made sure that Eren was secure in her fist, before she turned and sprinted away.

She wasn't going back to the Walls though- it was too overrun with titans. Now that she has what she and her companions had come for, Annie was going back to Marley.

She did not even feel remorse for abandoning Bertholt and Reiner. When first given this mission, Annie felt insulted after those two were assigned as her partners. To her, it was as if the Warrior Officials had no trust in her loyalty or abilities.

Well, this should show them! Annie figured that once she returns with the Attack Titan's host, everybody will finally give her the respect and love she deserved, despite being an Eldian.

______Meanwhile back in the Walls________

At this point, everybody on Paradis who were inside the Walls, had lost all hope. 

The Survey Corps and the Garrison had formed another joint coalition, while the Military Police were missing in action. The Survey Corps fended off titans while the Garrison provided backup firepower with canons, and delivering supplies to the Survey Corps.

But since a majority of the Garrison were scaredy cats (though, a lot braver than the Military Police), most of them contributed to the cause by escorting the remaining civilians to the top of the Walls. By now, the total population numbered only a couple thousand, compared to its former stats: fifteen billion.

People shoved, fought, and murdered each other to be on the lifts, despite the Garrison's vain efforts to calm them down and keep them under control. So, Commander Pixis ordered his soldiers to grab people and to climb the Wall with their gear instead.  

To provide more resources for Survey Corps, who were fighting the endless titan hordes: the Garrison forfeited all their gas and blades, solely depending on their hooks and cables to climb and descend from the Walls. 

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