Chapter Ten: Survive

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I hope that's everybody. Please forgive me if I misspelled your name or something. And fret not because some names are bold: I figured that would make the reading a bit easier. I love each and all my dear readers equally. Other than that, from the bottom of my heart, ARIGATOGOZAIMASHITA!!!

Happy Reading~


"EREN, NO!" Hanji screamed as the titanshifter pounded away at the castle. Levi immediately activated his 3d maneuver gear and went to slice at the nape. However, what happened next was very shocking. Whether it was intentional or not, Titan Eren had backhanded Levi! 

Hanji ran in the direction he was sent flying, and Erwin proceeded to shout orders at the flabbergasted and panicking soldiers.


"But sir!" Some random scout protested. "Most of us don't have our 3DM gear!"


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