Part Two;;

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"It was nice seeing you guys." The girl smiled genuinely, waving goodbye as she departed from her friends at the Waffle House. The night on the town with the girls was fun; and their "after-party" was even moreso entertaining (their definition of an after-party being eating at a Waffle House at two in the morning), but at that moment Y/N wanted nothing more than to go home.

She was sure at that point Danny should've been home; after all, it was nearly three in the morning and she was almost sure he didn't have a show that night. She sent him a quick text, letting him know she was on her way home. The walk to their shared apartment from the restaurant was a short one, but it wasn't out of the ordinary for Danny to offer to pick her up and bring her home anyway. She almost asked; usually a girl's night consisted of everyone getting so hammered none of them could drive home, but her time spent at the Waffle House sobered her up enough to the point where she trusted herself to walk.

She was admittedly slightly jarred five minutes later to see he hadn't even read the text. This set a sense of uneasiness in her gut, but she decided to ignore it. Besides, she was almost home. She stifled her smile by biting her lips. Okay, so maybe she was still a little bit tipsy; she wasn't gonna let that stop her by any means. Anyone who could have possibly been observing the girl on her journey could assume there was something scandalous on her mind, but Y/N herself knew the only thing on her mind was getting home, out of the deviantly short dress she'd been coaxed into wearing by her friends, and cuddling on the couch with her boyfriend.

Yeah, that sounds good. She told herself.

As soon she stepped into their apartment, she knew something was off. First off, the apartment was completely quiet, and the lights were still on.

"... Danny?" The lights were out, her first indicator that he wasn't home. The second, it was completely quiet. Even if he was sleeping, Danny always left the tv on if Y/N wasn't home for background noise. Flipping on the lights, she realized their place had been trashed. Couches and tables were flipped, bookcases thrown to the ground, curtains torn down. She didn't want to consider the idea that they'd had a break in. No, instead, she decided to lie to herself, telling herself that the boys had come over to hang out while she was gone, and things had gotten too hectic. "Yeah, lets go with that." She muttered under her breath, highly unnerved. "Daniel, this isn't funny!" She shouted throughout the house. 

She walked into their room, hoping to find Danny there. Instead, she found another trashed room. Under the bathroom door, the lights were on, and she heard the quiet sound of the sink running water. Maybe he's cleaning the bathroom? George might've puked in the sink again. She thought. Nodding to herself, she changed into one of Danny's hoodies and some sweats. The water was still on. For reasons she couldn't explain, she started feeling anxious, like something was wrong. Blaming it on the amount of alcohol she'd drank earlier, she shook it off.

"Babe, you okay?" She knocked on the door quietly. Silence was once again her only response. Water was starting to seep from under the door. "... The fuck?" She whispered to herself, opening the door. No one was inside. The sink was plugged, overflowing with water to the point where it was pouring onto the floor. The water in the sink was tinted a light pink. Looking up at the mirror, it was cracked, blood spawning from the center, like someone's head had been smashed into it. Panic flooded her veins as she instantly started going through the worst case scenarios. Before anything escalated, she raced to find her phone, calling one of the people he might've been with. She wasn't exactly sure how to explain to herself what had happened to their house rationally, but it was obvious that it wasn't Danny and his friends.

"Charles P. Scene speaking?" Y/N let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in at the sound of her friend's voice.

"Jordon, thank god. Is Danny with you?" She noticed it was quiet in the background. Too quiet. She was shaking, she realized. She held onto the sleeves of Danny's hoodie tightly, like it might bring her some gravity.

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