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There was a lot of light.
He couldn't open his eyes.
Everything hurt.
There's a lot of loud beeping.
He lost consciousness.
People were talking.
The lights weren't as bright now.
The beeping was still there.
He felt really tired.
He fell asleep again.

It was dark now. His eyes opened slightly. He could hear a soft yet erratic heart beat along with the beeping. He managed to open his eyes all the way. He was heavily bandaged, especially his arms. Y/N was sleeping in a very uncomfortable looking position in one of the hospital's chairs, wearing one of his hoodies. It looked like she'd been crying, her hand positioned like she was reaching for his before she'd fell asleep. Carefully, he reached out and touched her hand. She flinched, shooting awake. She'd been having a nightmare, and it showed.

She looked dazed, eyes darting around the room. Her eyes finally settled on him, a smile worming its way onto her face. "Danny!" She was trying to whisper, her voice coming out as a groggy squeak. He smiled, though it looked more like a grimace. She sat up straighter, her fingertips touching his. She wanted to kiss him, hug him, hold his hand; do anything, but refrained. She had no idea how he was feeling, and didn't want to irritate his wounds. "How you feelin'?" She had a soft, relieved smile on her face.

"I'm better, now." His voice was scratchy, he could really use something to eat, but he'd settle for water, at this point.

"Can you move your hands at all?" She asked carefully. "The doctors were more worried about your hands than anything else. Grable really did a number on you." She hummed, retracting her hand from his. He flexed his fingers. It felt awkward, but managable.

"I think I'll be okay." He nodded. He was glad to even be able to feel his hands, they looked like they'd been put through a blender. He'd be surprised if his HU tattoo would still look recognizable after his hands healed.

"Good." She smiled wryly. It felt like she was holding back.

"How long was I out?" He attempted to sit up, giving up.

"Two days. Jorel and Vanessa came by a while ago. Vanessa had to leave, I think J went to get us some coffee." She explained. As if on cue, Jorel walked in with two coffees.

"You're awake." He grinned, noticing Danny's condition immediately. He handed Y/N her drink. She hummed her thanks, looking between the two.

"I'll let you guys have your little Derillo bromance moment." She decided, getting up. Her bones cracked as she stood, making Danny wince.

Jorel just chuckled, taking Y/N's place at Danny's side. "I still think it's weird that she reads the fanfictions about us." He handed Danny the "coffee" as Y/N left. "Here." Danny smelled it, finding that it wasn't actually coffee at all. He gasped in surprise, gulping it down quickly.

"You're a lifesaver." Danny groaned as he finished his drink, feeling much better, much stronger. He watched as the wounds on his hands started to mend themselves like magic. He knew that all of that which he drank was immediately going to work on healing his body, and that he'd have to eat as soon as he got released by the hospital; if he even made it that far before feeling like he needed to eat again.

"Nah. Just thought you might want something to eat when you woke up." Jorel shrugged nonchalantly. "But, Jordon asked me to make sure you got this when you were awake and coherent." He pulled the same little ring box out of his pocket, handing it to Danny.

"Thanks." Danny sat down the coffee cup, hiding the box under his blanket. He noticed how tense J looked, like Y/N had just moments ago.

"What happened?" He blurted. "I mean, why were you taken?" He rephrased. Danny let his head hit the pillow. Of course he wanted to know. Danny couldn't really blame him; he would wanna know too if their roles were reversed.

Dead Bite {D.M.}Where stories live. Discover now