Part Four;;

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Waking up, Danny felt like absolute shit. It was dark, cold, and kinda moist. He grimaced at the overpowering smell. It was definitely mildew; rotted wood and rusted metal, and something else he couldn't quite place. It smelled manufactured, like an extremely strong air freshener trying to copy a scent, not coming close at all to the actual scent itself. His head pounded. He definitely wasn't home. In fact, he couldn't even remember getting here.

Wherever here was.

His eyes rolled into the back of his head. One of the first things he noticed was that his hands were bound with what he could guess was silver, by the burning sensation in his skin. With the tiny bit of space he was able to move his hands without cutting off circulation and burning his skin even more than necessary, he could tell he was literally chained to a metal pole. The chains themselves were relatively thick, and he could tell by the odd angle his arms were bent at to encircle it, that the pole keeping his upright wasn't exactly weak either. In other words, whoever brought him here obviously knew what he was. Either that, or they had a very good idea of it, at least. "At least the pole isn't silver, too. Then you'd definitely be fucked." He flinched, trying his damnedest to avoid his wrists coming in contact with the chains that bound him; which was extremely difficult, as they were wrapped tightly enough for his hands to go numb. Or maybe the numbness was just due to the silver, at this rate he wasn't too sure, he just knew moving was painful. He wondered what his kidnappers had done to him to keep him under for so long.

He felt like his head was an anvil constantly being struck, and he could somewhat recollect his head being smashed into the bathroom mirror. Y/N's gonna be pissed when she gets home and sees the mirror's broken. That brought a whole new question to mind. Was she okay? She definitely wasn't here. Danny decided the best thing he could do right now was to find a way out, so he could personally make sure she was alright. God, if only I ate yesterday. I'd be out of here in five minutes, tops. He grit his teeth. Of course, the one time he needed to be at his best, he felt his worst.

He couldn't hear anyone's heart beat. He was totally alone here. Scanning his surroundings for a possible way out, he found that he was in an old shooting range, it looked like. Something about this particular place felt familiar, though he couldn't place it.

He was facing a huge brick wall. To his right was a huge window, largely impractical for a shooting range. He was sat almost strategically, as if the sun rose, and his absent kidnappers didn't get around to killing him, the sun would do it for them. He really hoped this wasn't the case; not because the sun would kill him, but because then he'd know that the people who kidnapped him weren't as smart as he thought. Silver was definitely a weakness; they'd gotten that part right. But the sun? He was almost completely sure that part was made up by humans. The only people weakened by the sun were hermits and alcoholics after a long weekend.

The only other thing placed in his line of vision was a plastic yard chair, maybe ten feet away from where he was sitting. "Were they watching me?" He asked himself, subtly disgusted with the idea of a stranger just sitting in a chair, watching him sleep. "I think someone watching you sleep is the least of your worries." He agreed with the voice in his head.

"Don't flip out, okay?" Danny muttered to himself, gritting his teeth as he tried to prepare himself for what he was about to do. He got as comfortable as he could, pulling at his restraints with all the force he could muster. "Son of a fucking dick!" He all but screamed, the sound of his skin sizzling against the silver was loud in his ears. Nothing budged. There was a sound of a car door shutting outside. Someone was walking into the building. Towards him, he assumed. "Hey! I'm in here!" Danny shouted at the top of his lungs, his vocal chords scratching in protest. He completely lost all feeling in his hands, nearly crying as he tried to flex his fingers and realized he couldn't feel a thing.

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