>>>Chapter 3

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All you could do was remind yourself of your cruel past.

(I changed the tense that the story is written in, because I keep making mistakes and switching back halfway 😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓 I'm sorry for the inconvenience this just makes it easier for me)


The Accident.

One of my biggest regrets in life. A day we're my ex-boyfriend invited me to the park to talk one gloomy night. I snuck out of the house for the first time for him and everything. I've always been really good at reading between the lines. I could tell that he needed to talk about something important and that it couldn't wait till morning.

The day came back to me in a flood of emotions. A tsunami of my greatest nightmares.


"Hey Aiako? Is everything ok?! I'm worried about you!"

I said when I finally reached my 'lover'. He leaned against a lamppost with is eyes covered by his raven black bangs.

"(Y/N)....thank you for coming all this way...."

"Hey..? Are you alright? Aiako?" I said approaching closer but more wary of my footsteps. The aura he was giving off was tense as hell. My senses screamed go back home warning me not to go any closer to the tall boy ahead.

"I need to ask you another favour."


He reached forward roughly grabbing my shoulders and turned me around shoving me against the same lamppost he was leaning against. I could feel his hot breath against my neck, tickling my baby hairs.


He leaned down into my ear

"A-a-aiako— please s-stop your m-making me u-uncomfortable"

"(Y/N). I need reassurance."


"Yes~ that's it. Reassurance. Reassurance that I still love you."

His words hit me like a train. He didn't know if he still loved me..? What the hell is that supposed to mean.

"Your mine~ but I don't really remember what that means. Your more like an object to me. A precious toy that does what I tell it too no matter what, you haven't even tried to push me away once, even though you say your uncomfortable. You just let me do whatever I want, like you have no opinions and your programmed to make me feel good about myself. Hmm I wonder how far you'll let me go~?"

"I d-do have o-opinions-" I was cut off by Aiako moving his one hand to move my sweater's fabric away from my neck. "Aiako....please s-stop"

"Hmm? If you want me to stop then stop me. But if you do then we are officially over. So you can leave and we'll never see each other again or~ you can stay mine forever~~"

He said while leaving a trail of kisses from my ear to my neck, when I started to feel a slight pain. My eyes widened once I realized what he was trying to do. He was going to mark me. Like an object. Like his belonging. I don't want this I don't want-

"Ah" I squealed at the sudden pain from Aiako bitting me. I bit down on my hand to relive some pain.

"I know you inside out like an open book (Y/N). You were so trusting in me. I know all your past and all your secrets."

He started sucking at my skin again. This time harder. More desperate. As if trying to test just where my limits ended.

"Ahh" I squeaked once he bit down again. Clamping my teeth around my hand even harder.

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