==Chapter 12

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Replaying every song I knew in my head over and over again so that they would never leave.


"Ms. Kira, you have a visitor."

"....who is it..?"

"It's your brother dear."

"Anyone else?"


"Send him in please."

I stayed comfortably in my bed with the covers pulled over my head and the curtains around my bed shut completely.

".....WHY WON'T YOU LET MOM SEE YOU?!" He yelled angrily at me while snapping open the curtains.


"YOU ARE JUST HURTING HER MORE.....she forgave you for forgetting her......"

".......I'm.....the worst....daughter ever..."


"I can't eat......I can't sleep.....knowing that one day I'm going to forget about everything that I love........"

"....your not going to forget everything-"

"I talked to the doctor....he told me that it's possible that I will become a completely empty shell.......if I don't do anything about it....."


"I'm going to go through a brain surgery....it should fix it...a bit.."

"......they told me that you dropped another 10 pounds......they said that you're getting weaker...........they said that you have completely lost the ability to use your legs.......how the hell are you going to get through a surgery..."

".....because I'm determined not to forget you, Kenta. I refuse to forget one of the only people who truly understands me......"


"......the surgery is in a few hours.....can you stay with me.....?"



He walked up the chair and sat down. While instantly grabbing onto my hand.

"....thank you...."

We sat there in the solitude of each other's company. Once again letting our eyes do all the talking. It was clear. That we were both petrified.

Once the doctors came to take me away, Kenta started crying. All I could do is smile at him. To reassure him. That I was definitely, going to be back.

Thankfully...they only had to shave a small square of my hair. Then the gas knocked me out.

All I could do....was dream...:

"(Y/N)?" My brother questioned while we walked home from elementary school. "Why do you keep tapping your fingers on your leg?"

"I'm practicing! Dad's teaching me this really hard song! And I wanna be able to play it perfectly for him!"

"Why is it so hard?"

"Its super fast! The faster you play the better musician you are!" Thats what father says!"

"Your quite like him you know."

"What are you talking about? Unlike him I know how to smile!" I said pulling at my cheeks with my fingers.

"Haha! (Y/N)! Not your personality. Just the way you think. You both always think that you can do better, no matter how good you already are."

"Hehehe I guess I can't argue with that huh?"

"Nope. Not at all!" He said ruffling my hair.

Once we got home, the aura of the house seemed off. Seemed. Scary.

I grabbed Kenta's hand and we walked in together. Inside we my father with bags packed trying to get past us.

Kenta blocked his path and I stood just behind him.

"Where are you going Dad?"

"Kenta move."

"Dad. Where are you going." He questioned a second time, even colder then the first. He seemed to shine with bravery. All I could do was watch when his brave actions brought him pain as he was slammed into a nearby wall.

I looked at my fallen hero, standing my ground in front of the guff giant. His breath reeked of alcohol.

"Daddy....please....why are you leaving....?"

He squatted down so that he was eye level with me. I looked at his face and all I could see was pure joy. He was excited to leave? He was never this happy at home...

"Daddy....are you going to be happy...at where you are going...?"

He simply nodded. With that I stepped aside.

"Just so you know Dad. That your happiness, comes at the price of Mom's, Kenta's and my own happiness. Have fun wherever your going."

Then I slammed the door at his back and locked it. He didn't even say anything. Just walked away. Tears flooded down my cheeks when when I saw my mother running up to me. She engulfed me and Kenta into a huge hug....as we all cried away our last bits of happy.

My eyes flew open to the sounds of a heart monitor.




I looked around to see multiple tubes attached to my stomach and 2 IV drips.

I looked to my side and I could see that both of my hands were occupied by my mother and brother. Each one were sleeping stilly on the very edge of my all too familiar hospital bed. I sighed in relief, knowing that it was finally over.

Finally....I would be able to keep those I love not only in my heart...but in my head as well.

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