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"My childhood was not that great..." Reece spoke between her breaths in front of Mr. Hood, her doctor in these past few weeks.

"She spoke at last!” Mr. Hood exclaimed in sheer excitement.

But his excitement makes her nervous, it makes her think that she does a wrong thing and she started panicking, perspiring about the answer she made.

"Am I wrong? What did I do?!" Reece said in sheer panic, looking around frantically.

"Calm down Ms. Reece, you're doing perfectly fine." The doctor said with an assuring smile, but it didn’t make her calm at all.

"No! You’re just saying that to calm me down! I'm not perfect, and I never will be!" Reece shouted at them while putting her hands in her head afraid of all the wrong things, afraid all the answers she’s going to give, She shouldn’t have spoken, She shouldn’t have answer all their questions! She’s stupid! She’s always wrong! She’s wrong! She’s always wrong.

“Just calm down Reece, there’s nothing wrong—“

“No! There is! Everything’s wrong! Everything! I’m always wrong! Am I?” Reece spoke about standing up, confusion is in her head, she doesn’t know what to think, let alone feel. But tears began brimming in her  eyes.

“There’s nothing wrong Reece, there’s nothing.” Mr. Hood said trying to make her calm by using his hands against her shoulder but it was no use for a girl like her…

Few Weeks Later

“What’s wrong with my sister?” Relden spoke hopefully, dreading to know what happened to his older sister.

“Uhm.. Mr. Crimson, there’s a slight thing we observe about Reece..” Mr. Hood started speaking, making Relden more nervous than he already was.

“What is it? What’s wrong with her?” Relden asked in worry, and curiosity about what had happened to his sister

“She have this, this kind of phobia, a very rare phobia that one out of ten people with a reckless background experience.”

Relden grew impatient. “What is it doc? Please tell me already.” Relden said really getting his patience out of hand.

Mr. Hood sighed as he spoke again. “She have Atychiphobia.”

“What? What is that?” Relden spoke out of curiosity.

“It’s a fear of making mistakes. Do you know the cause of this? I mean is this a family problem or does she have any trauma?” The doctor said but Relden just stand there with sheer worry about his older sister, Relden knew that one thing, that one thing that’s cause all of this, but he couldn’t tell it to him, it’s too private, so all Relden do was shook his head.

“How can we cure her?” Relden asked.

“Based on the facts, we need her to realize that even though she made mistakes, she always have that one chance to make it right, I guess, therapy will do.” The doc explained and Relden nodded.

“So? How much is it?” Relden asked, he sure is lacking of money.

“That will cause many pounds Mr. Crimson, I’m afraid that if you can’t pay, we can’t continue the therapy.” The doctor said with disappointment in his tone, but Relden sighed in defeat, he had nothing to pay the doctor.

“I’m sorry doc, we’re broke.” Relden said and the doctor nodded.

“I’m sorry but she can’t stay anymore nor can she have the therapy, that’s the hospital rules.” The doctor while his head shook.  Relden only grew silent, he have nothing to say. “I’m really sorry Mr. Crimson but by tomorrow if you cannot pay the bills, she has to leave the building.” The doctor said and Relden nodded. “Excuse me.” The doc said before going away and  all Relden can do is rest his back on the wall and felt defeated.

* * *

“Hey brow” Relden said entering his sister’s room.

“Re-Relden?!” Reece said in a state of shock as she completely go out of bed and hug his brother. “Relden, you came back! I’m not alone anymore!” Reece exclaimed.

Relden hugged his sister back and gave a warm smile. “Who said that you’ll be alone?” He managed to say and Reece broke the hug.

“Everyone. Wait. Am I wrong? Did I say it wrong?”  Reece asked in panic again, always thinking that all of the answer she gave is wrong.

“No, no, Reece, you’re not wrong.” Relden tried to make her calm but Reece only want to burst in panic so Relden stopped her by putting his forehead on her, which was the only way Reece can calm down, that was the only way and Reece, unbelievably calm down after seconds. “Don’t panic Reece. Don’t. You’re only sick and we will find a way to cure you. I promise.” Relden spoke looking to her sister’s eyes as Reece nodded.

Everything will be fine. I wish.


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