Anthony's P.O.V
So ever since i saw Ian writing in that journal, I've been dying to know what he's been putting in it. But i think i'll start crying if i read it.. And he'd probably kill me. Maybe i could get my chance tonight, Joven's having a party and i don't feel up to it so he'll go and i'll have a couple of hours. Good plan.
I have something to confess. I.. I um.. I think i love Ian. I know it sound weird but i broke up with kalel because of it. And he broke up with Melanie (i love her guys, don't get offended) a few months ago and i think now would be the perfect time. Maybe? I dunno.
I love his fucking blue eyes, they are just like so cute and his bowl haircut. Don't even get me started on that. I just want to kiss him so badly.
I started to think he likes me back when he got teary eyed a few nights ago about the whole he not wanting to lose m- OH MY GOD! Ok I'm blushing like a fool now. Great.
I call up Ian to see if he wanted to get lunch. He replies seconds later. "Okay, taco bell" i ask.
We meet there about 20 minutes after the last text and we order. We chat for a while about smosh stuff (you know) and then the party gets brought up. "So are you going?" I ask. "Yeah probably, unless i get eaten by a dinosaur" we laugh. Wow i guess its hard to notice that he's actually upset when he makes jokes and you just like forget.. Wow.. I feel bad now, does he fake a smile? Is he dying on the inside? Now i want to read his journal even more. "Anthony?" "Huh, oh um sorry, kinda zoned out a bit there" "are you okay dude?" He asks. "Yeah im fine, just kinda still getting over last night" yeah not just kalel, but ian too. I dont like seeing him like this. Cutting himself.... Damn.
Tonight I will find out why he's like this.

Behind these blue eyes
ФанфикAn ianthony fanfic..yep. This is meant to be before kalel and anthony broke up. Like maybe 2013 kalanthony Trigger warning Mentions of self harm/depression/anxiety attacks (SLOW UPDATES) sorrynotsorry