Chapter 2: I Will Protect You

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Chapter 2: I Will Protect You

Marian was reading her book in the living room as Micheal was doing the laundry in the next room. Marian exhales as she then turns the next page and reads the paragraph. Micheal then walks into the living room and looks at the book she was reading. He then leans over the couch and reads it. "Shakespeare, huh?" he states, she smiles and looks at him, "He's a great author, practically wrote poetry." she jokes. He smiles and then walks into the kitchen and looks for something to make for dinner.

Then there was an aggressive knock on the door, they both looked at it and then exchanged looks, then Marian sets the book down and then walks over to the door and looks through it. She then sighs "What does he want now?" she mutters to herself and then opens the door, but it was ajarred become of the bolt head. "What do you want?" she questions him, she saw that he was twitching and even scratching his arm, looking even skittish. "I... I just wanna talk. That's all," he tells her, she rolls her eyes at him. "Well, I don't wanna talk, Evan. Good night," she states and went to close her door, but Evan pressed his hand against the door, stopping it. She then looks back at him, "Please, I want to talk. Now." he orders her and she looks him right in the eyes. "You're on it, aren't you?" she questions him, he chuckles and shook his head. "No. no, I'm not. I swear." he laughs and she just shook her head at him.

Micheal then steps forward into the hall as she scoffs at him. "You're lying to me. you're on it again because I told you no," she informs him. "Just fucking let me in, so we can talk," he tells her and she glares at him. "No." she answers and closes the door shut. She then sighs then turns away from it, then there was banging on the door. She then stops and turns back, another bang, making her steps back and Micheal to step forward. "Micheal, go back to the kitchen and wait, but no matter what, do not interfere," she orders him. He nods at her and then walks back into the kitchen, then folds his hands behind his back and waited.

Then the door was busted open and Evan marches inside as Marian then hurried into the living room as she stands on the other side of the couch, he then stares at her like a madman. "I just wanna to talk, but you, had to fucking close the goddamn door in my face." he shouts at her as he went to the back of the couch and she went to the front. Micheal clutches his fist. -He's scaring her.- he states, wanting to help her. "You. Are. Mine. You are going to do what I say when I say it." he snaps at her as she then grabs something and then threw it at him, he dodges it and then shatters at the wall. "That was not a good move, sweetheart." he informs her. She pants as the fear was back in her eyes. "Leave me alone, Evan. I don't want to anymore." she tells him as she then threw more at him. But he dodges it as they clattered against the wall.

Evan just chuckles. "Leave me alone!" she shouts at him and went running, but he reaches out and grabs her. "Come here!" he shouts at her, she gasps in fears as he grabs a hold of her hair. Her hands then flew back and grip his wrist as tears were streaming down her cheeks. "Fucking bitch, you belong to me!" he shouts and then threw her at the wall, she smacks against it and then collapses against the ground in a daze as blood streams down her the hairline of her head. Micheal's fist was shaking. -He hurt her! Protect her! Save her!- he shouts at himself, but his program was stopping him. "Now take your punishment," he growls and then started to kick her, she curls up in a ball and cries as she couldn't fight back.

One kick, three kicks. Then everything slowed down to the point where time itself stops. Micheal's subconscious steps out of his body and stood in front of the programmed wall. He rams his fist into it, cracking the wall, he then rams his shoulder into the wall, cracking it even more, then continue to ram his shoulder into the wall, repeatedly, breaking the wall to the point where it crumbles down and he broke free. Time then resumes and he steps forward. He then looks over at Evan then marches over and pulls him away from Marian. "Stop, you're going to kill her," he informs him and Evan looks at him, angered as Marian slowly coughs and pulls herself back up. "Stay the fuck out of this, you fucking machine!" he shouts at him, going to hit him but Micheal catches it and Evan looks at him in surprise. "Nice try, asshole," Micheal shouts at him, then he threw him to the side, Evan smacks against the ground and Micheal hurried over to Marian and gently helps her back to her feet. Are you alright?" he asks her, she just pants and looks at him. "Look out!" she shouts, but Evan pulls him back and threw him to the ground.

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