Chapter 1

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Seto's P.O.V

I ran over to Sky to make sure Ty was all right. "Sky can I please see Ty?" I asked comely. 

He shook his head in a yea way and showed me Ty. He was in bad shape. Something was not right. "I'm going to use a spell but it won't harm him." I said.

"You better be sure about that." Sky said.

"Don't worry." 

I used a spell that was a sign if they were dead or in a coma. They way Ty was I had to use it. I did it and it was not good at all.

"Seto is everything all right? That face expression mean's something is up." Ian said.

"We need to get Ty back to the house. NOW." I snapped. 

So we did. I was deep into my thoughts hoping that I can get Ty to better health soon Or in the end for him wont be as good as you think. 

"It's bad isn't Seto."

"Huh what." I looked over to see Ender beside me in her human form.

"Sorry to bug you." Ender said.

"No I'm sorry. I was deep in my."

"It's okay. We all get like that. But it is bad isn't?"

"It is. Whatever Zek was doing to Ty. It can be bad they way his magic is." 

"Well let's hope Ty will be okay." Ender said low so Sky won't freak out.

*Time Skip back to the house*

Mitch's P.O.V

We were back at the house. Jerome was quite ever since of what Zek said to him. 

*Flash back*

I was about 5 years old. Like any five year old, I would go play in the woods but not far from home so my parents won't worry about their son go missing. I looked ahead of me and all I can see was black smoke in the sky. I saw my father run out the house to go see what is happen over there. All I knew were that there was a tribe of bacca's that lived in the woods and they were friendly. 

"Mitch honey get inside. Now." My mom said.

So I did. "Where is daddy going?" I asked.

"He is  going to see what is happen over there."

I ran out of the house and followed my father. 


I didn't listen to her. I kept going. Once I got there I saw my dad face. I knew it wasen't good at all.

"Son can you help and see if there is anyone servieded?" My father asked.

So I did. After a while I herd this cry. I look up in a try. I climed it and it was a tree house. I looked around and the whole village was in trees. I kept on walking towords the sound. It was coming from this one. I slowy opened the door and in the corner was something fluffy. 

"Hello?" I called out.

It looked at me scared. 

"I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to help." I held out me hand.

One of his paws reached out and grab it. I helped it up. 

"My name is Mitch. What is yours?" I asked.


"Well Jerome. You are coming with me." 


I let him followed me. After a few years we got to know eachother and then well we loved eachother. 

*Flashback ends*

"Mitch is everything all right." Ian asked.

"Huh yes. Just deep in thought." I said.

"Well we all need all our rest after what happend." Ender said. 

"Yea that is about right and hoping Ty will be okay." Jason said.

Well that is what we did. We went all to our bedrooms and was going to get some rest. Sky on the other hand is downstairs in the main room hoping Ty will be all right. We are all worried about what happend. I layed in my bed with Jerome sunggled up to me. Before you know it I let sleep take over me.

Ender's P.O.V

I was thinking over of what happend in the battle. Me going all dragon form and killing Dawn. I mean it was the best for all of us. But for Zek on the other hand. Heck who know's. I all most had him and then he vanashied. I punched the bed.

"Hey you all right girl?" Jason asked.

"Not really." I sighed.

He came over and sat next to me. I plased my head on his shoulder and he put his arms around me.

"Look we are all still scared. It will take some time to recover after what happened."

"Yea I know but I just killed someone and Zek is gone and maybe coming back." I said scared.

"Yea but it was for the best of all of us." 

Before you know it I started to cry. I couldn't stop I let all the tears come.

"It's okay. Let it all out." He said in a hush tone.

So I did. I was scared. I was scared of what is going to happen next. Scared if Ty is ever going to make it. Scared if Zek well every come back. I'm just scared of what the future holds. 


Hi my friends. I hope you like the start of the third book so far. This is the last book so that means longer chapters. There might be a new chartacer in it. Who knows. 

I just want to say thank you so much for over 100 reads on my first book and seconed book also. I'm really happy that you my friends are enjoying it. Well that is all I wanted to say and good bye for now my friends and happy reading. 

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