Chapter 3

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Ender's P.O.V

It's been a while since Ty never fully awoke from his coma. Sky is still in the blues and all. Which is sad to see him like this. I'm sitting on the couch next to Jason, on the other couch is Seto and Ian. Sky is sitting outside while my brother Danny is doing the farming. Since it's his turn to do it. Mitch and Jerome are once again upstairs in their room.

I had this erg feeling to go and see Ty for some point. Is it my inner ender dragon telling me something might happen? Eh who knows. I get up and go check on Ty. "Where are you going?" Jason asked confused.

"I was going to check on Ty." I said back.

"You know he is just in that same condition for a while now and even I can;t do my magic on him till he wakes up." Seto said back.

"I know, I know" I said as I went to the room he was in.

I walked in and looked at him. Lying there cold and sleeping in a darkness he wants to get out of. I sat in the chair next to the bed looking at him. I saw movement going on and then........

Ty's P.O.V

Darkness is all I ever see. I can see people coming in and out of my room from time to time. But I can't do anything, speak, eat, or move a god damn muscle in my body. I hate this, I fucking hate it. I see a light and then I started to run towards it. Why you may ask. Well it's fucking better then staying here. I got to the light and then......

"Ty? Ty is that you?" I herd a firmly voice.

I slowly opened my eye but shut them again due to bright light. I opened them again and my eyes got use to the light. I saw Ender sitting there saying my name.

"Yes that's me." I said in a low voice due to lack of hydration.

Ender slowly pulled me up in a straight potions but I cried out in pain she put me back down.

"Sorry about that Ty." She said.

"It's okay. I understand you want to help."

"Yea I want to but do you want me to go get Seto to help you heal?" She ask's.

"Yes please." I said while I close my eyes again while I saw her walking out of the room.


A few minutes past and I saw Ender come back in with Seto. I saw a smile come across his face like he was happy to see me. I would image after all what happened to me.

"Hey Ty, I'm going to help you heal now. It won't hurt I promise you that for sure." He said as I saw glowing hands.

I let him do his healing power and before that I was not in pain no more. I sat up and I saw Ender handing me a glass of water. I took it and drank a bit of it.

"That should help since you haven't drink anything really for the past few weeks."

My eyes wide opened. How long was I really out for?

"You have been out for about a month." Said a fermiller voice.

We all look at the door way. It was Sky, my Sky leaning at the door way frame wearing his new glasses I bought for him.

"Oh we didn't know you where there that whole time." Seto said

"Well I know my ways into coming into rooms without been noticed." Sky said as he sat down on the edge of the bed I was in.

"Well we will leave you two be." Ender said while she grabbed Seto from his arms and left the room.

"Also bed rest for the next 3 days okay." Seto said as he got dragged out of the room

I looked over and saw Sky take off his glasses but why?

Sky's P.O.V

Ender has been taking a while longer then I thought to check up on Ty. I saw her coming into the room and grabbed Seto for no reason what so ever. I waited for a while and then got the erdge to get up and see what was going on. So that is what I did.

When I got to the door I stopped and heard voices. But there was one just one that stood out.

I leaned on the door way and saw Ty my Ty awake and all. It made my heart jumped by speed to see and hear him again.

"That should help since you haven't drink anything really for the past few weeks." Ender said.

His eye's went wide opened. I knew he would get like this.

"You have been out for about a month." I said out loud.

They all turned around to look at my in surprise that I was there that whole time.

"Oh we didn't know you where there that whole time." Seto said

"Well I know my ways into coming into rooms without been noticed." As I said while I sat on the end of the bed Ty was in.

"Well we will leave you two be." Ender said while she grabbed Seto from his arms and left the room.

"Also bed rest for the next 3 days okay." Seto said as he got dragged out of the room.

I took my glasses off. I never done this. Ever to anyone, but only to one person. It was Ty.

"Ummmm Sky?"

"Yes Ty?"

"Why..... Why do you have your glasses off? You never took them off." Ty said in a scared voice.

"The reason why that I took them off is that well I felt like it. I only do it when I'm around you." I said.

"Oh." He said quietly as he layed back down.

I look over at him and I can tell he wanted to get some more sleep. After all he is still pretty weak. I got up and went over him and kisses him on the forehead. 

"Sleep well my prince." I said softly as he fell asleep.

I grind. I haven't done that in a long time. I quietly opened the door and went out and closed it quietly. I looked around and saw that everyone went to sleep. Well since it is around 11 at night I would say so. I went down the hallway where the bedrooms where and I passed the hallway mirror. I looked at my reflection. I still have my glasses off. I looked at myself. Gold eye's like my father had. Curse the day that I have these eyes. My father was a bad person and a lot of people looked at me and said I would turn into my father. I was scared so the only way I could was ran away from home. That's when I found Ty. 

"Look's like you had a bad past Sky?"

I jumped and turned around. It was Ender leaning against the wall.

"I uhh I'm uhhh." I stuttered while I tried to put my glasses back on.

"Sky it's okay. We all come from bad past's. Look at me, if you and Ty didn't find me that in the woods I would of kept going till god who know's what would of happened to me." She said as she looked at my eye's. 

I turned away. And put my glasses back on.

"It's okay if you don;t want to show your eye's. Cause a while back I saw a man came into my town with exact eye's." She said as she went to her bedroom.

I looked at her surprised. My father? My father was in that town?

I shook it off and went to bed. I couldn't let this happen. 

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