Author's Note

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Hey everyone. I know, I know. Im not dead. I'M ALIVE STILL. Just I have had major writers block and I know it's been a month well now 2. And I have a few things to say. I have had wirters block for soooooo long it's not fun. Also I forgot what was my seris about so I have to go back and re-read it to get back into it.

Also I'm not really into writing fanfic's that much now. Maybe in the near by future I might write a one shot or so type deal who knows. Another thing is that I'm mostly making fanart and making video's and putting them up on youtube.

(if you want to know my Youtube channel it's Canadian GirlFTW). And school has been starting back up and all and well last year in highschool and well that also. So that is about it.

I will try to get the second chapter up soon. I'm just sooooo sorry about this. This is the last book to the seris and the chapters are suposse to be longer. So it's sorta making it harder for me to write.

So yea that's about it. I hope you my friends under stand. 

So yea that's about it, new chapter hopefully soon and well yea. See you my friends later. Peace out!

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